Tuesday, November 1, 2011

the great wall of china

For the last few days I have been taking advantage of the Chinese Buffet right next to
the hotel I've been living in limbo in.  Walking over for lunch or  - like tonight - dinner.

The Name of the Chinese Buffet is The Great Wall.

I've always wanted to see the Great Wall of  China - you know - stand right next to it.

I've read that it can be indentified from the ISS.

Now I don't really want go all the way to China cause I'm an in-the-box sort of person -
an inside girl you might say.

But I would like to see The Great Wall.

First thing tomorrow morning I will end my life of waiting around and start living in my
new house.

And I've been thinking about what I want to do in my new life.

~start studying Spanish on Rosetta Stone again

~finsih some unfinished paintings and do some new abstract

~maybe I'll find a struggling graduate student who would want to help me with
Bach - and the Rach 3

~and on a large university Campus such as this I surely could find a couple of
Liberals to hang out with for a change :)

I'm a believer in 'signs' of a sort - and today I was excited to see that the current opera
being performed here is La Boheme so I bought one ticket and will be looking forward
to that on November  19th.

A dear friend of mine recommended that I watch La Boheme all by myself .

Yeah - I may like it here after all.

You know - step out of the box a little at a time...and who knows where that may
take me.

And as for the Great Wall of China - I think I may have a picture in one of my travel
books that I could frame instead of going all the way to China.

But I still have the urge to drive up on the sidewalk and run over a few college students -
maybe say that the accelerator was stuck.


cube said...

I'm not big on flying. That sort of limits my traveling, but I would love to tour the US on a big
RV, especially the southwest.

If I were to overcome my fear of flying, I would love to visit France, Spain, Australia, Bali...
but China can go screw itself for all I care.

I do love a good Chinese buffet. Go figure :-)

sue hanes said...

Cube - Funny thing is about my fear of flying.

It's not about the crash and burn -but the loud noise of takeoff and landings.

Once flying to NY when the plane was slowing down I had the sensation that it was stopped in midair and would just fall to the ground.