Monday, November 21, 2011

johann sebastian bach - i owe you

~for the calming effect your preludes and fugues have on me as
I read through them in slow motion - compared to glenn gould
at warp speed

~for allowing me to say that the kids were getting on your nerves
and that's why the fugue seemed off' - as if the likes of me could
even touch your genius

~for the challenge of trying to figure out whether the left or right
hand plays the note that you have written and obviously both
hands can't play it at once :)

~and for making me see that in some - ok most - instances it is
necessary to mark the fingering of every note or else just start
at the beginning each time

~for the appreciation i have for your perfect and pure music and
that i don't just see it as finger exercises

thank you johann sebastian bach - and don't you agree that glenn
gould really nails it each and every time

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