Sunday, November 6, 2011

my faith journey

This is supposed to be my 7th FJ but I'm going to
stop numbering them since who really gives a cr*p
anyway how many FJ's I write and no one comments
on them anyway and when I started writing them I really
expected a lot of stimulating discussion.

g* f*g*r*

On today's FJ instead of thanking the Sovereign
Creator of the Universe -I would simply like to
thank Joe (Politico) for his faith
music video today.

Or maybe I should thank the SCU for giving us Joe.

That would work, wouldn't it.

and thank you - SCU - for Elvis and Elvis

now I'm quite sure that I have unpacked too
many boxes.


NLM said...

Hi Sue . . . I've ready many of your blogs, and even though I don't have time to comment on each one, I found them very interesting and some entertaining. You have so much knowledge and really have a way with words. I'll try to take a look now and then to see what's new. Hope the unpacking is going well!

sue hanes said...

NLM - Thanks for your kind words.

I hope you will come back often and comment too.

The unpacking is finished - but the work is legion. :-)