Thursday, November 17, 2011

i would like to say...

that the people here are amazing. 

Sometimes when I do things like go to the grocery store,
have lunch out, or other contact with 'locals' :) - I feel
as if I have gone 'somewhere over the rainbow.'

Yesterday I just barely bumped into a lady at Hobby Lobby
with my shopping cart trying to get past her - and she apologized.

SHE apologized.

Today at Krogers I reached past a young guy to get some asparagus
and he turned and APOLOGIZED.

I happened to say a word to a lady that was about my age about something
and within five minutes she asked about where I had moved from and
we knew how many grandchildren we each had.

Now I've always made contact with people I meet when I'm out - but
something is different here.  These people are so genuine and  readily
friendly - I really have never seen anything like it - ever.

 And the woman I chatted with - getting in depth so quickly - her
husband actually stood there smiling.  He didn't mind at all.

Now - I also need to say that:

I was told at B & N on Monday that the town of Bloomington, In. -
although the home of a major Liberal university - is Conservative

therefore- I believe that the people I have been in contact with while
shopping - and have been making contact with in a non-political way -
are Conservative - and have been so impressed with.


cube said...

We took a vacation to New Hampshire (Mr. Cube's birthplace) a few years ago and my girls haven't stopped bragging how nice the people were and THEY WERE! That kind of politeness is rare in Tampa. Consider yourself lucky that you live in a nice place.

sue hanes said...

Cube - You are right.

There must be many places in this country that have genuinely friedly people - and I'm glad I'm
living in one of them.