Tuesday, November 8, 2011

time is running out for suetheimpossibledreamhanes

I just sat in my rocker to take a break and d*mn - there are only two whole leaves left
on the branch outside my window and fragments of a couple others.


if anyone believes in fairies now is the time to start clapping

it's not a windy day but i'm thinking the last leaf could be gone by morning  :-(


For Your Eyes Only said...

By the way, as far as justice being done in the Michael Jackson death trial.

I also feel that the Dr. was guilty, but so was MJ.

And as for the Dr. getting up to 4 years in jail. I kind of think that's excessive for what was done here.
I would think that taking away his license to practice and a great big Mal-practice fine would have been justice.

sue hanes said...

Serp - In no way did I mean to say that Michael Jackson was not guilty for bringing about his own death.

But Conrad Murray is a Doctor.

He acted irresponsibly in his handling of this case.

He should be punished.

And there are others - I know - that have done the same.

Elvis Presley jointly caused his own death but was aided by doctors.

Artists like Michael Jackson - to me - have made a very valuable contribution to our society through their music.

Sure - Michael Jackson was not perfect - but neither were the Masters like Chopin, Beethoven and whoever else.

Bach - however - in my eyes - was perfect. :)

To sum it up - I feel that Conrad Murray has to be held accountable for what he did.

Michael Jackson is dead - but he lives on through his music.

sue hanes said...

However I did not think they needed to put the handcuffs on him as they led him away.

Joe Conservative said...

Life is what you make of it. ;)

sue hanes said...

S/D - For assisting in the death of the King of Pop:

taking his license away

Mal-Practice fine

i don't think so

sue hanes said...

JC - 'life is what you make of it'

Yes, life is what you make of it after you find out that you can make of it whatever you want.

That opportunity comes sooner or later - for me it came later so I have no time to waste.

sue hanes said...

But I still haven't figured out what life is.

The Absolute Marxist said...

Sounds like it's past time to make something, then. ;)

sue hanes said...

abso - 'sounds like it's past time to make something then. ;)

Don't get that either.

Please explain that to me, if you don't mind.

Joe Conservative said...

Moi - Life is what you make of it.

Tu - But I still haven't figured out what life is

Moi - Sounds like it's past time to make something, then. ;)

Conclusion - You won't find out what life is UNTIL you try and make something of it. Sounds like you haven't tried to MAKE anything out of it yet. You've just "let it happen" w/o putting YOUR will into shaping it. Your efforts are what will give it (life) meaning.

sue hanes said...

JC - You know I have been told that until I am good and sick of it.

I think Someone wants me to rush out and do something rash - like hop in the car and drive to California - you know - something like that.

But that's not gonna happen.

I have made all the moves I'm gonna make.

Let someone else make a move.

sue hanes said...

Let's stop beating around the bush here.

If Someone has something to tell me - than please tell me.

I've been receiving hints for 25 years as to what I should do with my life.

I'm sick of hints.

I want to hear something I can understand.

For Your Eyes Only said...

sue hanes said...

S/D - For assisting in the death of the King of Pop:

taking his license away

Mal-Practice fine

i don't think so

Oh because it was the "King of Pop"

Big deal, he may have been the "King of Pop" in your eyes, in mines he was the King of Dirty Men Molesting Boys.

sue hanes said...

Serp - Your comments are welcome here anytime -

but clearly we are not on the same page.

The Absolute Marxist said...

Something you can understand.

Rach 3, anyone?

sue hanes said...

Abso - Sorry, but although my choice for listening to piano music is ALWAYS Vladimir Horowitz - he can't play the Rach 3 worth cr*ap.

Out of the five cd's of the Rach 3
I used to have - only the Russian - Eugene Kissin - could play it cool and perfect.

Horowitz got too passionate with it and lost it.

sue hanes said...

You see the Rach 3 is a perfect composition - like Bach's music.

The Rach 3 is inherently passionate so that you just play the notes and the rest takes care of itself.

Apparently Horowitz just didn't get it.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I suspect that it's a bit different playing for yourself... and playing with an orchestra.

sue hanes said...

-FJ - Just like Horowitz you don't get it either.

There is no orchestra.

Just Someone that is Selfish and Jealous - playing us all along - until when we finally get it - it's too late.

Speedy G said...

Then there also is no audience, either. Just a bunch of selfish and jealous people (those who can't) sitting around criticizing "those who do" for their own personal enjoyment attempting to raise their own personal sense of self.

sue hanes said...

Speed - If and when I decide to perform the Rach 3 - I'm gonna fill the place.

Because who could resist the chance to witness a 66 year old housewife making a fool of herself

or better yet - nailing it.

Speedy G said...

The only reason I'd come is to see you nail it.

sue hanes said...

Speedy - I'd be honored to have you come and hear me play the Rach 3.

I'm going to start working on it right after I get my house in order.


Special front row seats will be arranged for you, Absolute Marxist,
Thersites and Joe Conserative.

The audience will be Legion.

but only if you don't object to sitting in the same row with bill

sue hanes said...

and you can be sure i will nail it - although after i may be instituionalized like the guy in shine

Thersites said...

Just don't seat me next to him, and we'll have a pleasant evenning.

sue hanes said...

Thersites - Perhaps we could find a nice seat for you in the back of the auditorium.

Thersites said...

Is there a bar in the back? If so, seat me there.

sue hanes said...

Ther - Alcohlic drinks will be available.

but first there will be TSA agents frisking for guns.

no one will be allowed to pack heat at my Rach 3 Concert.

however all handguns will be cheerfully returned on the way out

Thersites said...

Well they'd better look for handguns duct-taped inside the rest-room toilet tanks before the concert, or I'll almost certainly be "packing". Us Corleone's don't like appearing naked in public. ;)

sue hanes said...

Thersites - Best Actor awards for all three - and the music too.

I'm intruiged - were you one of those men? Or perhaps the director.

I must say - that video really jumpstarted my day.

sue hanes said...

Look - Ther - I can't cover all the bases.

Go ahead and duct-tape your handgun.

Just don't let me get a hold of it or the ones I will 'kill' will be Legion.

Thersites said...

That's why I'm bringing my own. I can't trust you not to go crazy if you take mine away... ;)

sue hanes said...

Ther - Before I perform the Rach 3
my mind will be entirely on that.

If I go crazy - it will be after.

didn't you ever see 'Shine?'

Thersites said...

I'm already crazy. The Secret Service has my picture.

sue hanes said...

and they very well may have mine.

Don't they have all of our pictures?

Thersites said...

Was yours taken personally by a Secret Service agent during an interview at a Mental Hospital? Mine was.

sue hanes said...

Thersites - I remember many things about being in Mental Hospitals - but I cannot remember ever having my picture taken.

Now last year my talking doctor - a psychologist - took my picture while demonstrating his cell phone to me - but I'm pretty sure he is not a Secret Service Agent.

although once i accused him of being an alien - which he did not deny

Thersites said...

Then sadly, no, the Secret Service likely doesn't have your picture... yet. ;)

sue hanes said...

ther - Come next November the Secret Service will not only have my picture - but also a code name for me-

perhaps the Mad Blogger

Thersites said...

Let's hope it doesn't come to that. Let's hope that their code name for you is "that Blogger chick" or something equally less insulting. ;)

Thersites said...

...or "that HOT blogger chick"... or something vaguely complimentary.

sue hanes said...

Ther - Well Thanks.

But either I'm hot or I'm not.

Please - not vaguely.


sue hanes said...

For me the term 'mad' is not an insult - but rather true.