Tuesday, November 22, 2011

i'm on a mission

While scrubbing the floor of my bathroom this morning I figured out what is really
wrong with Our Country.

It's Aliens.

I read an article on the internet before the Move and even printed it out.

It says that there are Aliens Among Us  - they even have convinced
Stephen Hawking - and well that's good enough for me.

I don't have time to go into it now but after the Holidays I'm going to research
all my Alien Movies - and they are Legion -  and bring it all together.

then i'm going to blow their   Slimey   Alien   Cover   Wide    Open.

Maybe write a Book.

i'll call it aliens for dummies

right after i get my house in order


cube said...

Wow. I can't wait for your big expose to come out. I want to believe ;-)

sue hanes said...

Cube - I promise you will be the first to know when I write about my alien movies.

As you can imagine - it is already forming up in my mind. :)

Have a great Thanksgiving Cube.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ...I hope you don't actually have access to or own a gun.

Your scary.

sue hanes said...

Imp - please do not take the name of the Lord in Vain on my blog.

Thanks, imp.

I do not own a handgun and I do not have access to a handgun.

That was just my way of saying that I was wondering what I had done in the last 48 years - which to me = nothing.
