Friday, December 30, 2011

why I believe that religion should not enter into politics

What does Religion have to do with Politics?

I am a firm believer that one's Faith is just that.

One's Faith is a Personal Issue.

That's why they call it a Personal Relationship with God.

There is a saying that I heard a number a years ago that goes:

He loves each of us as if there was only One of us.

Perhaps this 'religion' thing got way out of hand from the very

I don't really know.

But I do believe folks that we are in a bad way here in the US of A.
And we need someone to lead us.  Frankly I don't think it really matters
who it is.  I think what does matter is what the political leaning of the
President is.

For instance - I believe that Mitt Romney would be a fairly good President -
but I don't want him to be because I don't want a Republican to be the
leader of my country.

Why is that you might ask?

It's because I'm an American Liberal and a Good Democrat - and I want
someone in the White House who represents what I believe in.

Now as far as Religion goes - what does it matter what the President's
Faith is?  We need someone who can run our country - someone smart.
Who gives a c*ap whether he gets dressed up on Sunday and goes to
church?  I'd rather see him roll up his sleeves and head for the Oval
Office on Sunday morning - and work on how to get the budget balanced -
how to get all of the Troops home - how to keep our country safe from
another terrorist attack - and the rest of the stuff.

The time has come for us to stop obsessing about whether a President is
'religious' and start choosing our leaders for their competence - for their
ability to lead.



But it is not too late to turn around and head in the right direction.

but it will be too late if we don't start doing something and stop
obsessing over the wrong stuff

We were once given THE  RIGHT  STUFF.

It is called the Constitution

The Constitution was given to us by some folks called the
The Founding Fathers.

Those people literally gave their lives so that we would have
something to work with in times such as now.

So why don't we start showing The Founding Fathers that
we appreciate what they gave us and did for us - and stop
b*itching and m*oaning our way into Oblivion?

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