Wednesday, December 28, 2011

15 minutes until I post MPTSOC

I've got my notes all ready here to post My Plan To
Save Our Country - but first this:

Sometimes I get really fed up with people - including
myself - you know - because no one reads or comments
seriously on my really cool Blog.

And sometimes I want to just live the rest of my really
cool life out in isolation - you know be a recluse.

And don't be mistaken folks - becuase I could do it.

I play the piano ~ I paint ~ I study Spanish (although
I still can't find Rosetta Stone ~ and I love - absolutely
LOVE Blogging - whether anyone f*cking comments
or not.  And I absolutely love to listen to Simon &
Garfunckel (sp) 's I am a rock i am an island.

But tonight - dear readers and commenters - I was
cleaning off my desk and found this - for me to
use at just the right time - and I think the time is now:

no man is an island entire of itself

every man is a piece of the continent

a part of the main

if a clod be washed away by the sea

Europe is the less

as well as if a promontory were

as well as a manor of thy friends 

or of thine own were

Any Man's Death Diminishes Me

Because I Am Involved In Mankind

And Therefore Never Send To Know

For  Whom  The  Bell  Tolls

It  Tolls  For  Thee.

thank you John Donne - I owe you.


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