Tuesday, December 13, 2011


not to be confused with kramer v kramer - a perfect movie and in
perfect movies everyone who works on the movie is perfect therefore
there is no need to mention anyone connected with kramer v kramer

this post is about kramer and how i identify with him in two out of
three ways

kramer is smart i'm not saying i'm smart but rather i'll leave that judgement
to the people who don't read my blog

kramer is an idiot and i am an idiot and i don't allow anyone to call me an
idiot except me but on the other hand no one tells me i'm not an idiot

but here is where kramer and i part ways for kramer likes to have fun
and furthermore he knows how to have fun


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Kosmo Kramer?

sue hanes said...

-FJ - He's the only Kramer I know.

and the only one you need to know...

sue hanes said...

When I think of Kramer I am flooded by Seinfeld episodes...