Tuesday, December 13, 2011

christmas shopping

I did a little Christmas shopping tonight - mostly for Stocking Stuffers.

I did ok - I mean I didn't cry or get into a fist fight after I circled Target
twice completely and still couldn't find what I wanted.

I mean - What kind of a store had fake snow last year but not this year -
according the guy from Electronics.

I tried very hard - and succcessfully - not to grab really cool Creative
Stuff as I hurried past the Christmas decoration section.

But by the time I reached checkout my nerves were shot - and that's
when I saw it:


Without hesitating I grabbed it - paid the price for the stuff I had bought -
and walked out of the store - taking a deep breath for the first time all day.

But that's not what this post is about.

It's about my natural bent for stirring things up.

And a few months ago after I had gone to the theater twice by myself to
see the above really great movie - I was sitting at the kitchen table while
my two g-kids finished their lunch.

With the movie on my mind - and my daughter nowhere in sight - I raised
my fist high in the air and repeatedly shouted  Caesar!  Caesar!  Caesar!
- like the crazed housewife wannabe joan of arc feminist that I really am.

Now I expected to see the five year old g-son join in - and he did - but it
was my 2 1/2 year old g-daughter that almost brought tears to my eyes.

For not really knowing why  - she sat in her booster seat with her little fist
raised in triumph  - and defiance - and shouted with me.

I'll tell ya folks  - I have seven g-kids - and with that comes some pretty
good stuff .

But this was one for the ages.

special thanks tonight goes to Harry Connick, Jr. for helping me clean up
the kitchen

and really special thanks to the lady in line behind me at the checkout for
- and she didn't have to - reminding the clerk not to forget to give me the
other bag - and the clerk said she would have forgotten if the lady hadn't
called it to her attention

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