Saturday, December 17, 2011

renascence by edna st. vincent millay

all i could see from where i stood
was three long mountains and a wood
i turned and looked the other way
and saw three islands in a bay
so with my eyes i traced the line
of the horizon thin and fine
straight around till i was come
back to where i started from
and all i saw from where i stood
was three long mountains and a wood
over these things i could not see
these were the things that bounded me
and i could touch them with my hand
almost i thought from where i stand
and all at once things seemed so small
my breath came short and scarce at all
but sure the sky is big i said
mile and miles above my head
so here upon my back i'll lie
and look my fill into the sky
and so i looked and after all
the sky was not so very tall
the sky i said must somewhere stop
and sure enough! i see the top
the sky i thought is not so grand
i most could touch it with my hand!
and reaching up my hand to try
i screamed to feel it touch the sky
i screamed and lo! infinity
came down and settled over me
forced back my scream into my chest
bent back my arm upon my breast
and pressing of the Undefined
the definition on my mind
held up before my eyes a glance
through which my shrinking sight did pass
until it seemed i must behold
immensity made manifold
whispered to me a word whose sound
deafened the air for worlds around
and brought unmuffled to my ears
the gossiping of friendly spheres
the creaking of the tented sky
the ticking of Eternity.

This folks is stidh's favorite poem - and that is only the
beginning of it.

I may post more of it tonight  - if I can get it done before
SNL starts I will.

This poem by Edna St. Vincent Millay is so beautiful and
meaningful that it took me several years to even begin to
understand it - and even then I'm not sure exactly what
she is talking about.

Kinda like watching Lost.

I once toyed with the idea of memorizing it.

heh heh

Say has anoyone else read it?

Because I think it would be great for discussion.

Tell you what I'll open up the comment thing and well - have at it.

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