Saturday, January 7, 2012

james buchanan

James Buchanan is consistently ranked as the worst President ever.

In a February 16, 2007 entry on google - the reason given for this is:

He refused to challenge the spread of slavery or
the growing bloc of states that became the Confederacy.

James Buchanan was born in Pennsylvania in 1791 and died in
1868 - seven years after leaving Office.


Titan Uranus 2 said...

Did he die of AIDS?

sue hanes said...

Titus - According to google President James Buchanan died of respiratory failure and rheumetic

In studying the Presidents throughout the years -however - I read on several occasions that although James Buchanan was not a natural born Gay - like for instance Gertrude Stein or Little Richard -
he in fact was deeply in love with a woman who - and the reason for this may never be clear - dumped him and he vowed to never love another.

So he evenutally became our First
Bachelor President.

And I have read accounts that because he held fast to his Vow - he turned to another Man for his need for affection and Intimacy -
s*x - and even lived and slept with the Man for sixteen years.

not that there's anything wrong with it