Monday, January 30, 2012

my plan for this evening

Things are starting to quiet down here.

And when they do - at just the Right Time - I'm gonna
head down to the Nurses' Station.

And I'm gonna say - Listen up Ladies:

We're Gonna Choose Up Sides Here.

See the thing is - I'm not gonna try to get them to Vote for President Obama.
Because I want this Election to be Fun.

But a Fair Fight - of course.

And the Thing is - I Think That We Should Give Barack Obama A Run For
His Money.  Seems To Me That He's Getting A Little Sure Of Himself Lately.
Maybe Thinking That He's Gonna Run Away With It.

And I Heard Maher Say On His Show The Other Night That We Most
Likely Can Expect Our President To Show His True 'Color' - So To Speak.
And Well - You Know What They Say About Those People - How No
One Likes An Upitty N*****.

What's That You Say?  stidh - You've Gone Too Far This Time - And That
The Secret Service Is Headed Over Here To Snuff Me Out?

Nah - I Know Better Than That.

Why You Might Ask?

Because This Is America - Folks

Not Only The Greatest Country In The World

And Not Only The Land Of  The Free And The Home Of  The Brave

But America Is The Land Of  Hopes And Dreams


and if she can do that - then well maybe anything can happen



-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I hope things work out, Sue, and you come home soon! Hospitals are boring.

sue hanes said...

Why thanks - -FJ - You have no idea.

But Really - it is Blogging that has saved me from Boredom.

Still - tomorrow night I should be back in Folsom.