Monday, January 30, 2012

answer to the Snake/Amazon River quiz

My g-son has a toy rubber snake - and while we were playing -

I was suppoesd to pretend that the snake was attacking me : [
and crying out  - then he was the ray-tel and he attacked the snake.

Now at this point I need to explain something:

He has this really cool little book in which there are pictures
and descriptions of unusual small animals.  One of them
was phoenetically spelled - ray-tel.  I couldn't find the
real name of it by googling  - I remember that the ray-tel
was described as 'a vicious attacker' and I pointed out to
my 5 year old g-son that perhaps the ray-tel has no real 'purpose'
in Life - that the ray-tel just attacks other animals and even

But what I really found interesting is that this 5 year old
defended the ray-tel - and said Grandma - the ray-tel saved
your life by attacking the Snake - which by the way spoke no
words.  : ]

Now getting back to why the Snake and The Amazon River
are alike - because the rubber Snake's body looks the same
as the Amazon River does from the air.

and folks  - if a five year old boy can find a purpose for the
seemingly useless ray-tel which doesn't seem to have any
Purpose except to Attack Others - then maybe there is Hope for
Us After All.

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