Sunday, January 15, 2012

stidh's tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr.

I've paid tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr. before -
on some of my many other Blogs.

Now I would like to pay tribute to him on stidh.

And I would like to do so - in my very own way.

What Martin Luther King, Jr. means to me:

~He was a Man.

~He was a Black Man.

~He was a Man of Great Faith.

~He was an American.

~He was a Black American.

~He was an American Icon.

~He was an American Martyr.

~He Was a Hero.

~He was a Great Leader.

and the following statement is how I express myself
when paying tribute to someone I Respect and Admire:

You can't touch Martin Luther King, Jr.

And furthermore Martin Luther King, Jr. I would be honored
if you would accept a place on my No Hit List.

right after bill maher and jackson pollock well that still
puts you right above hillary clinton : ]

Thanks Martin Luther King, Jr.

For what you might ask?

For Giving Your Life So That We Could Move On.


James of Washington said...

~He was a Man.

~He was a Black Man.

~He was a Man of Great Faith.

~He was an American.

~He was a Black American.

~He was an American Icon.

~He was an American Martyr.

~He Was a Hero.

~He was a Great Leader.

He was also a communist and Whoremaster

The Absolute Marxist said...

That's a bit unkind, James...

Dr. King was a man. A man that I am unfit to judge. And as I know only of his noble qualities, those are the qualities I will remember him by.

sue hanes said...

James of Washington - I'm glad that you are making a comment on my Blog.

I don't know if MLK, Jr. was aPinkie/Commie or not - but we must remember that they are people too.

And yes Martin Luther King did have a way with Women.And as Leonardo DiCaprio - who by the way is the quinessential Great American and seems like a really nice guy - and from all accounts Green too - probably points out in the movie about J. Edgar Hoover which I havn't seen- J. Edgar Hoover got his jollies by drilling holes in the walls of motel rooms so that he could see firthand how a Real Black American Hero has Sex.

but - James - dirty old men are people too.

Do stop by and comment again soon -

And James - did ya see the beautiful gowns those women were wearing at the GG last night?

sue hanes said...

Abso - Thanks for standing by me - this time.

and wasn't Meryl Steep beautiuful last night. You could tell she was excited and clearly Viola Davis was p*ssed off - but I never saw The Help or any other of those really cool movies - although I'm gonna rent The Artist and Descendents when they come out - maybe buy them. :]

Thersites said...

Sorry, I missed the GG's. "The Help" was a great movie, btw. I know you'll enjoy it. :)

sue hanes said...

First about LDC - it should read Great American Actor.

Hi Ther - My soon to be x is obessed with the Help book and movie so you'll never catch me watching it.

Still 'he' is also obsessed with Tombstone - and that is one Great Movie - I especially like the ending where it says that Kurt Russell and the woman never left each other's side for the rest of their lives.

sue hanes said...

because it was Real love.


The Absolute Marxist said...

If it once was, why can't it ever be again? ...and again.

The Absolute Marxist said...

“Nothing on earth consumes a man more quickly than the passion of resentment”

“Growth in wisdom may be exactly measured by decrease in bitterness”

- Nietzsche

sue hanes said...

Abso - That Nietzsche - he was smart, wasn't he?

A real Wise Guy - so to speak.

sue hanes said...

Because - Abso - it's about discernment.

About knowing the difference between puppy love and the real thing.

And if you are lucky enough to know when the Real thing comes along - then you don't let it go.

I think there is a song from The King and I called Some Enchanted Evening and it says:

once you have found him never let him go....

Even if those dreams are only in your mind.