Thursday, January 5, 2012

rain forests

The lastest issue of my Kids Discover magazine came the other day.

Here's what was in it:

~a really amazing picutre of giant Fig Tree roots in Australia that act as huge
buttresses  - to help with stability

~an article about an abandoned tree house in Indonesia that is
150 feet from the ground - and it keeps evil spirits away

~a rain forest word search puzzle - I'm crazy about word search

~a rudimentary map quiz - I'm saving that for later

~other interesting facts that are laid out easily for kids and
stidh to digest : ]

~a picture of a Yanomani father and son.

I'm sure that I have mentioned sometime on one of my many
blogs in the past four years that I once took a course at Oakland
University in Michign in which we studied about Yanomami
Indians.  They are such beautiful people - and don't look mean
at all.  The caption in the picture says that their way of life is
threatened by deforestation.

If I had a tv show this is the point at which I would turn and face the camera.

Deforestation is a negative word - isn't it?  Forests are a good thing
so why would we want to cut them down?  Is this being controlled
in a responsible way?

When I hear the term 'rain forest' my mind is boggled with thoughts
of lush vegetation and untold flora and fauna.  I would never set foot
in a rain forest unless it had been debugged first.

But I do hope that we don't allow all of our wonderful rain forests to
be destroyed willfully.

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