Sometimes you read a Book because it has a great Storyline.
And from the First Page to the Last - you read that Book because you
Just Know that what the Characters do - is the Reason you are reading
the Book.
But there are Books written that are Just A Little Bit More - than that.
Yes - these Books - that are Just A Little Bit More - have a Storyline
that Follow The Characters on their Way Through The Pages - going
from One Thing To Another - and there is a Mild Curiosity - as to what
will Happen To The Characters - in the end.
But then - and this only happens very rarely - maybe Only Once In A
Lifetime For Each Individual Reader - there comes the Realization -
that you are onto something.
Mabye that Realization comes with a Certain Phrase - a group of words -
such as 'the precipice of actualization' - that Triggers Something inside of
the Reader - the Hope that the Book will Lead to The End Of The Long
And Winding Road.
But it's not just this Phrase that is The Key to unlocking the Secrets of
this Newfound Treasure.
No - it's the Whole F*ing Book - every page - and yes even every Word.
A Book That is a Veritable Treasure Chest of Genius - and there is
a feeling of Euphoria for the Reader - that this Key has been Discovered
and - in Time - the Door Will Be Opened - and the Reader will Walk On
Through The Door - Into A World Yet Undiscovered.
But it Really is this Phrase - after all - that Once Again finds the Reader
poised on the Precipice of Actualization - A Place That Sometimes Is
Almost Unbearable - But Ultimately A Place That Is Really The Only
Place To Be.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
a football player with a big heart
I read on the Internet just now that Peyton Manning's days as a Professional Football
Player may be over.
But for me football is not what Peyton Manning is all about.
because Peyton Manning built:
where my g-son got the Best Loving~Professional~Caring Treatment Possible
and because of Peyton Manning - Jude is going to grow up to Big and Strong.
all I can say is - Peyton Manning - thanks.
from the bottom of my Heart.
i owe ya
and by the way are you into a Relationship?
: ]
Player may be over.
But for me football is not what Peyton Manning is all about.
because Peyton Manning built:
where my g-son got the Best Loving~Professional~Caring Treatment Possible
and because of Peyton Manning - Jude is going to grow up to Big and Strong.
all I can say is - Peyton Manning - thanks.
from the bottom of my Heart.
i owe ya
and by the way are you into a Relationship?
: ]
a simple plan
I've got a Game Plan now.
I'll continue to pursue Bill Maher - and then since Bill knows everybody -
I'll use Our Relationship as a jumping off Point for Others.
The Problem is:
I know Bill likes Dogs.
Saw a picture on his Website with a Dog - and I've never seen him
look at any Woman like he Looked At That Dog.
Yeah - Maybe I Have A Chance After All.
to break out of here and into a New Life...
i wonder when Johnny Depp's divorce will be final...
I don't want to get into a Fist Fight with that French Woman.
she looks Mean.
: [
I'll continue to pursue Bill Maher - and then since Bill knows everybody -
I'll use Our Relationship as a jumping off Point for Others.
The Problem is:
I know Bill likes Dogs.
Saw a picture on his Website with a Dog - and I've never seen him
look at any Woman like he Looked At That Dog.
Yeah - Maybe I Have A Chance After All.
to break out of here and into a New Life...
i wonder when Johnny Depp's divorce will be final...
I don't want to get into a Fist Fight with that French Woman.
she looks Mean.
: [
a white actor
John Cusak.
Groose Point Blank (1997).
That was a good movie.
And John Cusak is a good actor.
But why haven't I seen any other of his Really Cool Moives?
He was even Great in 2012.
I know why .
Someone is tellin' me who is a good actor and who isn't.
and there is another good white actor - John Goodman.
I'm gonna get to the bottom of this you can be sure of that.
Say - does anyone know if John Cusak is in a Relationship...
jus' wonderin'
: ]
Groose Point Blank (1997).
That was a good movie.
And John Cusak is a good actor.
But why haven't I seen any other of his Really Cool Moives?
He was even Great in 2012.
I know why .
Someone is tellin' me who is a good actor and who isn't.
and there is another good white actor - John Goodman.
I'm gonna get to the bottom of this you can be sure of that.
Say - does anyone know if John Cusak is in a Relationship...
jus' wonderin'
: ]
Oh - and will someone tell me if there is Really a person named Bill Maher or am I just imagining it?
although I can't imagine why anyone would want to make up a story like that..
And that's the Truth.
And that's the Truth.
Monday, January 30, 2012
one more thing
Wasn't that last Post great - Folks?
But I just don't know when to Shut Up. : ]
So I'm gonna say One More Very Important Thing - and then after that
I'll just Say Other Things. : ]
This Post is about the Wonderful Care we have gotten here since
From Everyone.
Especially The Doctors.
This Post Is About The Doctors. Now so far there has only been two of them.
But let me tell ya folks - both of those Doctors are Smart. They come in the
room Knowing that we are looking to them for Advice and Guidance.
But you know what they say?
They say - Let me hear what YOU have to say.
and I'm pretty sure why they did that
Because they wanted to size us up.
To see if we could see what we had here - which is a 96 year old Woman -
whose Very Life would be in our hands. And I think they wanted to see if
they could Trust us with her Life.
They are Sharp - people.
They look ya right in the Eye - and Size You Up.
And that is why I Just Know that tomorrow - whatever Decision they make
about Our Mother - that it will be well thought out - and the Right Thing.
and for that I am Very Grateful.
and humbled.
But I just don't know when to Shut Up. : ]
So I'm gonna say One More Very Important Thing - and then after that
I'll just Say Other Things. : ]
This Post is about the Wonderful Care we have gotten here since
From Everyone.
Especially The Doctors.
This Post Is About The Doctors. Now so far there has only been two of them.
But let me tell ya folks - both of those Doctors are Smart. They come in the
room Knowing that we are looking to them for Advice and Guidance.
But you know what they say?
They say - Let me hear what YOU have to say.
and I'm pretty sure why they did that
Because they wanted to size us up.
To see if we could see what we had here - which is a 96 year old Woman -
whose Very Life would be in our hands. And I think they wanted to see if
they could Trust us with her Life.
They are Sharp - people.
They look ya right in the Eye - and Size You Up.
And that is why I Just Know that tomorrow - whatever Decision they make
about Our Mother - that it will be well thought out - and the Right Thing.
and for that I am Very Grateful.
and humbled.
my plan for this evening
Things are starting to quiet down here.
And when they do - at just the Right Time - I'm gonna
head down to the Nurses' Station.
And I'm gonna say - Listen up Ladies:
We're Gonna Choose Up Sides Here.
See the thing is - I'm not gonna try to get them to Vote for President Obama.
Because I want this Election to be Fun.
But a Fair Fight - of course.
And the Thing is - I Think That We Should Give Barack Obama A Run For
His Money. Seems To Me That He's Getting A Little Sure Of Himself Lately.
Maybe Thinking That He's Gonna Run Away With It.
And I Heard Maher Say On His Show The Other Night That We Most
Likely Can Expect Our President To Show His True 'Color' - So To Speak.
And Well - You Know What They Say About Those People - How No
One Likes An Upitty N*****.
What's That You Say? stidh - You've Gone Too Far This Time - And That
The Secret Service Is Headed Over Here To Snuff Me Out?
Nah - I Know Better Than That.
Why You Might Ask?
Because This Is America - Folks
Not Only The Greatest Country In The World
And Not Only The Land Of The Free And The Home Of The Brave
But America Is The Land Of Hopes And Dreams
and if she can do that - then well maybe anything can happen
And when they do - at just the Right Time - I'm gonna
head down to the Nurses' Station.
And I'm gonna say - Listen up Ladies:
We're Gonna Choose Up Sides Here.
See the thing is - I'm not gonna try to get them to Vote for President Obama.
Because I want this Election to be Fun.
But a Fair Fight - of course.
And the Thing is - I Think That We Should Give Barack Obama A Run For
His Money. Seems To Me That He's Getting A Little Sure Of Himself Lately.
Maybe Thinking That He's Gonna Run Away With It.
And I Heard Maher Say On His Show The Other Night That We Most
Likely Can Expect Our President To Show His True 'Color' - So To Speak.
And Well - You Know What They Say About Those People - How No
One Likes An Upitty N*****.
What's That You Say? stidh - You've Gone Too Far This Time - And That
The Secret Service Is Headed Over Here To Snuff Me Out?
Nah - I Know Better Than That.
Why You Might Ask?
Because This Is America - Folks
Not Only The Greatest Country In The World
And Not Only The Land Of The Free And The Home Of The Brave
But America Is The Land Of Hopes And Dreams
and if she can do that - then well maybe anything can happen
it has to end here
Tomorrow stidh is Breakin' Away.
They are letting me out of the Looney Bin on My Own Recognizance - or
so they say.
But the Truth is:
It's Just Too Much Trouble To Keep Me Here.
Oh Sure They Like Me.
That's Not The Problem Folks.
Remember In Tootsie When Dustin Hoffman's Agent Sydney Pollack Tells
Him That He Will Never Break Into Acting? And He Explains That It's Not
That He Is Not A Good Actor.
The Problem Is This:
And Herein Lies The Problem With Me.
Folks Like Me But They Just Don't Want Me Around.
Now what am I gonna do about it?
First I'm gonna go back to My House tomorrow.
Then I'm gonna finish sorting through My Stuff in My Study.
And all the while that I'm doing this I'm gonna get some extra Rest.
Well I have been Pushing It for some time now.
But then - folks - let me tell you what I'm gonna do.
Not A Thing.
But Something's Gonna Happen.
And When It Does - I'm Gonna Be Ready.
and you can read all about it as it happens right here on my really cool blog.
: ]
They are letting me out of the Looney Bin on My Own Recognizance - or
so they say.
But the Truth is:
It's Just Too Much Trouble To Keep Me Here.
Oh Sure They Like Me.
That's Not The Problem Folks.
Remember In Tootsie When Dustin Hoffman's Agent Sydney Pollack Tells
Him That He Will Never Break Into Acting? And He Explains That It's Not
That He Is Not A Good Actor.
The Problem Is This:
And Herein Lies The Problem With Me.
Folks Like Me But They Just Don't Want Me Around.
Now what am I gonna do about it?
First I'm gonna go back to My House tomorrow.
Then I'm gonna finish sorting through My Stuff in My Study.
And all the while that I'm doing this I'm gonna get some extra Rest.
Well I have been Pushing It for some time now.
But then - folks - let me tell you what I'm gonna do.
Not A Thing.
But Something's Gonna Happen.
And When It Does - I'm Gonna Be Ready.
and you can read all about it as it happens right here on my really cool blog.
: ]
will it never end?
Maybe in Collateral there was a little acting involved.
When Max and Vincent see the Wolves cross the street.
But if you think I'm going to get down and Grovel...
No. Never !
But Yes - The Meaningful Expressions On Their Faces.
That A Connection - A Bond (always the f*in' bonding - isn't it?)
Had Been Formed Between The Two - Even In The Depth Of The Vast
Uncrossable Bridge Of Their Souls - And Even Though They Would
Never Go Back - Though The Bond Would Forever Be There.
We All Have Those Bonds - That Will Remain In Our Heart -
And Will Not Be Brought Out.
But New Bonds Will Be Formed - Better Ones - Bonds That
Will Transcend Time And Space.
pretty good huh
Maybe in Collateral there was a little acting involved.
When Max and Vincent see the Wolves cross the street.
But if you think I'm going to get down and Grovel...
No. Never !
But Yes - The Meaningful Expressions On Their Faces.
That A Connection - A Bond (always the f*in' bonding - isn't it?)
Had Been Formed Between The Two - Even In The Depth Of The Vast
Uncrossable Bridge Of Their Souls - And Even Though They Would
Never Go Back - Though The Bond Would Forever Be There.
We All Have Those Bonds - That Will Remain In Our Heart -
And Will Not Be Brought Out.
But New Bonds Will Be Formed - Better Ones - Bonds That
Will Transcend Time And Space.
pretty good huh
the nice Black guy in the elevator
While riding in the Elevator this morning at about 7:35 am (sorry redundant) -
I was accompanied by a tall Black man - not skinny but rather well built - and
most likely in's often hard to determine age in Black men dontja think -
but he had the nicest demeanor - dressed in a lovely black overcoat with his
hands folded politely in front of him - and he remarked - as the elevator went
down - that he had been to see his Mother - before going to Work - isn't that
Now just last night when I was coming back from Kicking A Little Butt at the
Nurses Station about connecting my Laptop to the Wireless - I had caught
a glimpse of a Black Woman in the bed in 3103 - and had thought:
This is indeed a nice Hospital here - with a Token Black Person. : ]
As I went on my way to Breakfast - I smiled to myself - thinking of the
Nice Black Man who had a rather Dreamy Look in his Eyes - thinking
of how he had Just Taken The Time To Visit His Mother Before Going
Off To Work That Day. : )
I didn't inquire about where he Worked - and I plead Confusion and Fatigue
from being up so much of the Night - but I'm quite sure that this Fine Black
Man holds a Position of Trust - well he was Tastefully Dressed.
I was accompanied by a tall Black man - not skinny but rather well built - and
most likely in's often hard to determine age in Black men dontja think -
but he had the nicest demeanor - dressed in a lovely black overcoat with his
hands folded politely in front of him - and he remarked - as the elevator went
down - that he had been to see his Mother - before going to Work - isn't that
Now just last night when I was coming back from Kicking A Little Butt at the
Nurses Station about connecting my Laptop to the Wireless - I had caught
a glimpse of a Black Woman in the bed in 3103 - and had thought:
This is indeed a nice Hospital here - with a Token Black Person. : ]
As I went on my way to Breakfast - I smiled to myself - thinking of the
Nice Black Man who had a rather Dreamy Look in his Eyes - thinking
of how he had Just Taken The Time To Visit His Mother Before Going
Off To Work That Day. : )
I didn't inquire about where he Worked - and I plead Confusion and Fatigue
from being up so much of the Night - but I'm quite sure that this Fine Black
Man holds a Position of Trust - well he was Tastefully Dressed.
the n*wsp*p*r has arrived
A nice white guy - probably in his thirties and looking smart in a
deep blue smock - brought in the Newspaper. : [
The Herald-Times is sporting an Overall Headline saying that the
Hoosiers 'soared' past the Hawkeyes last night - and rightfully
so - since Folks here tend to obsess on IU Sports. : [
But all is not Lost Folks - for near the Bottom of the Front
Page there is an Article about a Sunday fundraiser AT THE
Unfortunately I'm already not attending it - due to circumstances
beyond my Control.
However I'm sure they would accept a Hefty Contribution - for
those of you with big BUCKs.
deep blue smock - brought in the Newspaper. : [
The Herald-Times is sporting an Overall Headline saying that the
Hoosiers 'soared' past the Hawkeyes last night - and rightfully
so - since Folks here tend to obsess on IU Sports. : [
But all is not Lost Folks - for near the Bottom of the Front
Page there is an Article about a Sunday fundraiser AT THE
Unfortunately I'm already not attending it - due to circumstances
beyond my Control.
However I'm sure they would accept a Hefty Contribution - for
those of you with big BUCKs.
answer to the Snake/Amazon River quiz
My g-son has a toy rubber snake - and while we were playing -
I was suppoesd to pretend that the snake was attacking me : [
and crying out - then he was the ray-tel and he attacked the snake.
Now at this point I need to explain something:
He has this really cool little book in which there are pictures
and descriptions of unusual small animals. One of them
was phoenetically spelled - ray-tel. I couldn't find the
real name of it by googling - I remember that the ray-tel
was described as 'a vicious attacker' and I pointed out to
my 5 year old g-son that perhaps the ray-tel has no real 'purpose'
in Life - that the ray-tel just attacks other animals and even
But what I really found interesting is that this 5 year old
defended the ray-tel - and said Grandma - the ray-tel saved
your life by attacking the Snake - which by the way spoke no
words. : ]
Now getting back to why the Snake and The Amazon River
are alike - because the rubber Snake's body looks the same
as the Amazon River does from the air.
and folks - if a five year old boy can find a purpose for the
seemingly useless ray-tel which doesn't seem to have any
Purpose except to Attack Others - then maybe there is Hope for
Us After All.
I was suppoesd to pretend that the snake was attacking me : [
and crying out - then he was the ray-tel and he attacked the snake.
Now at this point I need to explain something:
He has this really cool little book in which there are pictures
and descriptions of unusual small animals. One of them
was phoenetically spelled - ray-tel. I couldn't find the
real name of it by googling - I remember that the ray-tel
was described as 'a vicious attacker' and I pointed out to
my 5 year old g-son that perhaps the ray-tel has no real 'purpose'
in Life - that the ray-tel just attacks other animals and even
But what I really found interesting is that this 5 year old
defended the ray-tel - and said Grandma - the ray-tel saved
your life by attacking the Snake - which by the way spoke no
words. : ]
Now getting back to why the Snake and The Amazon River
are alike - because the rubber Snake's body looks the same
as the Amazon River does from the air.
and folks - if a five year old boy can find a purpose for the
seemingly useless ray-tel which doesn't seem to have any
Purpose except to Attack Others - then maybe there is Hope for
Us After All.
something to ponder
Why is a Snake like the Amazon River?
I'll be back with the Answer after I have something to eat down
in the really cool Cafeteria.
The food there is Really good.
I'll be back with the Answer after I have something to eat down
in the really cool Cafeteria.
The food there is Really good.
a Black actor of note
I was thinkin' to myself last night as I lay awake: : ]
Whatever happened to Adrian Lester?
I mean His Character was what Primary Colors was all about - Really.
And didja see The Day After Tomorrow - only one of the Best Disaster
Movies Ever Made.
anybody know what Adrian Lester is up to now?
Whatever happened to Adrian Lester?
I mean His Character was what Primary Colors was all about - Really.
And didja see The Day After Tomorrow - only one of the Best Disaster
Movies Ever Made.
anybody know what Adrian Lester is up to now?
latest update from hospital central
You wouldn't believe the night I've had.
I actually slept from 12 - 1. and from 3:30 - 6.\\\
But the really good stuff happened from 1- 3:30.
I'm thinkin' about writing a book about it.
Called stidh goes to the hospital.
Maybe subtitle it -
Hey Its's a True Story - Folks.
Whatdya think?
: ] ( :o))
more later
I actually slept from 12 - 1. and from 3:30 - 6.\\\
But the really good stuff happened from 1- 3:30.
I'm thinkin' about writing a book about it.
Called stidh goes to the hospital.
Maybe subtitle it -
Hey Its's a True Story - Folks.
Whatdya think?
: ] ( :o))
more later
Sunday, January 29, 2012
update from hospital central
not to worry folks - it was just signalling that the food bag
was empty - : ]
Ok. So I'm not cut out for living in a room no bigger than
a jail cell and having my sleep disturbed every hour on the
hour. Why do I suspect they will not be inviting me back
anytime soon for this most wonderful of all slumber
more beeping from the monitor as the electronic equipment
shows me who has the upper hand i wonder what shape I'll
be in in a couple of more hours of this : ]
not to worry folks - it was just signalling that the food bag
was empty - : ]
Ok. So I'm not cut out for living in a room no bigger than
a jail cell and having my sleep disturbed every hour on the
hour. Why do I suspect they will not be inviting me back
anytime soon for this most wonderful of all slumber
more beeping from the monitor as the electronic equipment
shows me who has the upper hand i wonder what shape I'll
be in in a couple of more hours of this : ]
1982 Trivia Challenge Quiz
The good part about this Really great quiz is that I have the answers.
1. Which former KGB head was selected as secretary general of the
Soviet Communist Party's Central Committee - succeeding Leonid
2. Which American airline ceased operations in May after 54 years
in buiness?
3. Which series starring Tyne Daly and Sharon Gless as New York
City police detectives debuted on CBS-TV?
4. Which Andrew Lloyd Webber musical - based on poems by T.S.
Eliot - began its 18 year run on Broadway?
5. Who beat Rick Mears by 0.16 seconds in what was called the greatest
moment in Indianapolis 500 history?
6. Freebie: Who released 'Thiller' - The Best Selling Album of All Time?
7. Name the eccentric jazz pianist and composer of 'Round Midnight'
who died in February.
8. Freebie: What is the title of the Steven Spielberg film about a friendly
alien stranded on Earth - the number 1 film of 1982?
9. Syzygy occurred on March 10 when all 9 Planets did what on the same
side of the Sun?
10. Which country beat West Germany 3-1 to win the 12th FIFA World Cup?
12. What is the name of the Trade Union banned in Poland - the first Communist
Union in a Communist country?
13. Name this 'Lollipop' rapper - born on September 27th.
14. Which Colombian novelist - author of 'One Hundred Years of Solitude'
won the Nobel Prize for literature?
15. Who began turning the letters on the 'Wheel of Fortune' TV show?
If there are enough requests - I will continue this quiz tomorrow - and I can do
it folks - cause there are a lot of cards left in the deck.
: ]
1. Which former KGB head was selected as secretary general of the
Soviet Communist Party's Central Committee - succeeding Leonid
2. Which American airline ceased operations in May after 54 years
in buiness?
3. Which series starring Tyne Daly and Sharon Gless as New York
City police detectives debuted on CBS-TV?
4. Which Andrew Lloyd Webber musical - based on poems by T.S.
Eliot - began its 18 year run on Broadway?
5. Who beat Rick Mears by 0.16 seconds in what was called the greatest
moment in Indianapolis 500 history?
6. Freebie: Who released 'Thiller' - The Best Selling Album of All Time?
7. Name the eccentric jazz pianist and composer of 'Round Midnight'
who died in February.
8. Freebie: What is the title of the Steven Spielberg film about a friendly
alien stranded on Earth - the number 1 film of 1982?
9. Syzygy occurred on March 10 when all 9 Planets did what on the same
side of the Sun?
10. Which country beat West Germany 3-1 to win the 12th FIFA World Cup?
12. What is the name of the Trade Union banned in Poland - the first Communist
Union in a Communist country?
13. Name this 'Lollipop' rapper - born on September 27th.
14. Which Colombian novelist - author of 'One Hundred Years of Solitude'
won the Nobel Prize for literature?
15. Who began turning the letters on the 'Wheel of Fortune' TV show?
If there are enough requests - I will continue this quiz tomorrow - and I can do
it folks - cause there are a lot of cards left in the deck.
: ]
a little down time
After doing a little needed Blogging - I've got a little extra time on
my hands here at the really cool claustrophobic hospital room -
so I'll chillout for a while by sharing about my trip to the Hospital
Gift Shop this afternoon.
I had been looking through my 96 year old mother's wallet for her
medical cards when I spotted four 5's and since I have a shortage of
cash lately I lifted it and made a visit to the Gift Shop (ok I'll pay her
back asap : [ )
To my dismay upon entering the gift shop there was a way too large
assortment of Sports Stuff.
But then I saw it:
A rack of the most Beautiful Silky Scarves.
The type they are showing now.
But these scarves were to die for.
So I made note of the Gift Shop Hours when I plan to come back
and buy one - if and when that is possible - for the Opera in early
I didn't want to spend my newly found money : ] on that but right around
the corner I picked out a really cool FINDING NEMO MAGNETIC
Activity and Puzzle Set for my Bedroom Toy Shelf : ] and a deck of
Trivia Cards for the Year 1982.
I'm gonna finish off this evening of Blogging by posting a little quiz based
on those Trivia Cards.
Fun Stuff - huh?
my hands here at the really cool claustrophobic hospital room -
so I'll chillout for a while by sharing about my trip to the Hospital
Gift Shop this afternoon.
I had been looking through my 96 year old mother's wallet for her
medical cards when I spotted four 5's and since I have a shortage of
cash lately I lifted it and made a visit to the Gift Shop (ok I'll pay her
back asap : [ )
To my dismay upon entering the gift shop there was a way too large
assortment of Sports Stuff.
But then I saw it:
A rack of the most Beautiful Silky Scarves.
The type they are showing now.
But these scarves were to die for.
So I made note of the Gift Shop Hours when I plan to come back
and buy one - if and when that is possible - for the Opera in early
I didn't want to spend my newly found money : ] on that but right around
the corner I picked out a really cool FINDING NEMO MAGNETIC
Activity and Puzzle Set for my Bedroom Toy Shelf : ] and a deck of
Trivia Cards for the Year 1982.
I'm gonna finish off this evening of Blogging by posting a little quiz based
on those Trivia Cards.
Fun Stuff - huh?
someone else I think about from time to time
Scott O'Grady.
Anyone remember him?
I do.
But if you have forgotten him - read all about it on Wikipedia.
Now I'm gonna tell ya why I think about Scott O'Grady from time to time:
Because - folks - when Scott O'Grady was shot down over Bosnia and
his really cool fighter plane crashed on the ground -
and if he was smart enough to see that stayin' alive was so important...
well - just maybe I can do what I have to...
To Stay Alive - until -
i meet b*ll - hey i just want to talk to him - that's all : ]
Anyone remember him?
I do.
But if you have forgotten him - read all about it on Wikipedia.
Now I'm gonna tell ya why I think about Scott O'Grady from time to time:
Because - folks - when Scott O'Grady was shot down over Bosnia and
his really cool fighter plane crashed on the ground -
and if he was smart enough to see that stayin' alive was so important...
well - just maybe I can do what I have to...
To Stay Alive - until -
i meet b*ll - hey i just want to talk to him - that's all : ]
my faith journey : ]
I've Come so far on my Faith Journey.
And I know I've still got a ways to go.
But hey - I don't mind.
Why - you might ask?
Because of Al Gore.
Al Gore?
Stidh - you been puffin' on your Bong again?
You see Al Gore invented the Internet - didn't he?
And without the Internet there wouldn't be Blogging.
And without Blogging I wouldn't have all of my Blogger Friends.
and without the internet i'd never know what b*ll is doing
: ]
: )
: ]
And I know I've still got a ways to go.
But hey - I don't mind.
Why - you might ask?
Because of Al Gore.
Al Gore?
Stidh - you been puffin' on your Bong again?
You see Al Gore invented the Internet - didn't he?
And without the Internet there wouldn't be Blogging.
And without Blogging I wouldn't have all of my Blogger Friends.
and without the internet i'd never know what b*ll is doing
: ]
: )
: ]
Saturday, January 28, 2012
really cool song lyrics
I'm going to Post these Song Lyrics tonight - but I want to make it
Very Clear That They Are Not For Me.
These Song Lyrics are for two Very Special People who want to make
a Very Special Dream Come True For Them On Monday Morning.
And I want to put in a Good Word for them:
They Deserve It - And I Hope With All My Heart That Their Dream
Does Come True.
and if Anyone Out There wants to Help Make It Come True then
Please 'wish' - or Pray that works also - along with me.
When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you
If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do
Fate is kind
She brings to Those Who Love
The Sweet Fulfillment Of
Their Secret Longing
Like A Bolt Out Of The Blue
Fate Steps In And Sees You Through
When You Wish Upon A Star
Your Dreams Come True
I really want this to happen for both of you - well
make that the Three of You.
We All Want It.
Because In Our Heart We Know It's The Right Thing...
and because we are quite sure that you have Earned it.
love you guys
Very Clear That They Are Not For Me.
These Song Lyrics are for two Very Special People who want to make
a Very Special Dream Come True For Them On Monday Morning.
And I want to put in a Good Word for them:
They Deserve It - And I Hope With All My Heart That Their Dream
Does Come True.
and if Anyone Out There wants to Help Make It Come True then
Please 'wish' - or Pray that works also - along with me.
When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you
If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do
Fate is kind
She brings to Those Who Love
The Sweet Fulfillment Of
Their Secret Longing
Like A Bolt Out Of The Blue
Fate Steps In And Sees You Through
When You Wish Upon A Star
Your Dreams Come True
I really want this to happen for both of you - well
make that the Three of You.
We All Want It.
Because In Our Heart We Know It's The Right Thing...
and because we are quite sure that you have Earned it.
love you guys
stidh's The Best of Saturday Night LIve
I woulduv gotten to this sooner but I've been a little busy just now.
: ]
There is so much I wanted to write about Saturday Night Live - but
in the Final Analysis I decided to just come right out and say what
Members of the Cast - and which skits - have impacted my Saturday
Nights - Live.
~Fred Armisen - As President Obama.
I would always hurry to get the dishes done - and I never do the dishes until
the very last - because really there are more fun and important things to do
than the dishes dontcha think? : ] Because if ya don't get there right when it
starts ya might miss just even a second of Fred Armisen doing President Obama.
Now listen up folks because here's where the Inherent Stupidity comes in - well
everytime I would get seated in front of the tv - and then I would read in the upper
corner: CNN or Live from the White House or CBS news you know what I mean -
and EVERYTIME I would panic and think I had the wrong channel. I mean this
went on for a year or so. See - I never Learn.
~Kenan Thompson - My absolutely favorite skit on Saturday Night Live - ever - is
Kenan Thompson's What's Up About That. I mean a couple of times when there would
be the Special Guest - once it was Paul Simon and another time Robert De Niro - and
I would feel their frustration as they started to be Interviewed and then Kenan Thompson
would jump up and start singing and dancing around and other really cool People would
dance across the Stage.
Now again - the Inherent Stupidity - is that although I Really enjoyed the wild singing
and dancing - I would always think Why Don't They Just Let The Special Guests Talk?
~Kirsten Wig - Really anything this Amazing Woman does. ANYTHING.
~Bill Hader - When he comes on to be interviewed on Seth Myers Weekend
News and plays the part of the Gay Person. That always amazes me.
~Andy Samberg - I honestly can't remember what - but lately Andy Samberg
has really caught my attention.
~Seth Meyers - I read that he is Head Writer - pretty amazing. And by the way I
could never figure out why Donald Trump called him the Stutterer at the White
House Correspondent's Dinner - cause I thought he did a great job - and I just knew
that President Obama was distracted by Something that night - well I guess we all
know what that was.
~Bobby Moynihan and Jay Pharoah - and everyone else.
For the last couple of years I have noticed that Saturday Night Live has really
gotten so much better and well - just Brilliant Comedy - that sometimes I'm
amazed at what I am watching.
and it's all about to happen - in about 2 1/2 hours.
: )
: ]
There is so much I wanted to write about Saturday Night Live - but
in the Final Analysis I decided to just come right out and say what
Members of the Cast - and which skits - have impacted my Saturday
Nights - Live.
~Fred Armisen - As President Obama.
I would always hurry to get the dishes done - and I never do the dishes until
the very last - because really there are more fun and important things to do
than the dishes dontcha think? : ] Because if ya don't get there right when it
starts ya might miss just even a second of Fred Armisen doing President Obama.
Now listen up folks because here's where the Inherent Stupidity comes in - well
everytime I would get seated in front of the tv - and then I would read in the upper
corner: CNN or Live from the White House or CBS news you know what I mean -
and EVERYTIME I would panic and think I had the wrong channel. I mean this
went on for a year or so. See - I never Learn.
~Kenan Thompson - My absolutely favorite skit on Saturday Night Live - ever - is
Kenan Thompson's What's Up About That. I mean a couple of times when there would
be the Special Guest - once it was Paul Simon and another time Robert De Niro - and
I would feel their frustration as they started to be Interviewed and then Kenan Thompson
would jump up and start singing and dancing around and other really cool People would
dance across the Stage.
Now again - the Inherent Stupidity - is that although I Really enjoyed the wild singing
and dancing - I would always think Why Don't They Just Let The Special Guests Talk?
~Kirsten Wig - Really anything this Amazing Woman does. ANYTHING.
~Bill Hader - When he comes on to be interviewed on Seth Myers Weekend
News and plays the part of the Gay Person. That always amazes me.
~Andy Samberg - I honestly can't remember what - but lately Andy Samberg
has really caught my attention.
~Seth Meyers - I read that he is Head Writer - pretty amazing. And by the way I
could never figure out why Donald Trump called him the Stutterer at the White
House Correspondent's Dinner - cause I thought he did a great job - and I just knew
that President Obama was distracted by Something that night - well I guess we all
know what that was.
~Bobby Moynihan and Jay Pharoah - and everyone else.
For the last couple of years I have noticed that Saturday Night Live has really
gotten so much better and well - just Brilliant Comedy - that sometimes I'm
amazed at what I am watching.
and it's all about to happen - in about 2 1/2 hours.
: )
what a day I've had
But I think I'm gonna be ok.
Stay tuned folks for a shout out about what I'm gonna look
forward to tonight - and I'm talkin' about the Folks over at SNL.
I'm gonna write all about it - after while.
But first - thanks to all of you who stepped up and helped me
through this - you know with Prayers and Phone Calls.
and I'd especially like to say...
Thank you - Jesus.
Stay tuned folks for a shout out about what I'm gonna look
forward to tonight - and I'm talkin' about the Folks over at SNL.
I'm gonna write all about it - after while.
But first - thanks to all of you who stepped up and helped me
through this - you know with Prayers and Phone Calls.
and I'd especially like to say...
Thank you - Jesus.
There is a Beautiful Painting on google today.
It's about the Largest Observed Snowflake.
But that's not what it all about - for me.
It's about the Nicest Little Picture - done in Light Blue on White - with
just a Touch of Brown.
and the cow looks up at the Snowflake
It's about the Largest Observed Snowflake.
But that's not what it all about - for me.
It's about the Nicest Little Picture - done in Light Blue on White - with
just a Touch of Brown.
and the cow looks up at the Snowflake
Tavis Smiley
I remember the First Time Ever I Saw His Face.
And for some Reason my Mind goes back to that day - more
times than I can count.
Now I would like to recall what I remember - about Tavis Smiley -
without googling him.
It was on Bill's show.
Now a couple of years ago when I was watching Bill's show I would
write down the names of the Guests - and then google them to find
out who they were.
What stood out for me then is that Tavis Smiley wanted to attend Indiana
University but he didn't have enough money for tuition - so they let him in
anyway and he lived with the IU basketball players.
Now this is what this Post is all about:
At one point Bill and Tavis Smiley got into a sort of 'discussion' about - I think -
the way women are treated throughout the World.
But this isn't about Women's Rights.
It's about that exchange between Bill and Tavis Smiley - during which they both
held their Own - and especially Tavis - who was kind of frowning - and I Believe
what bothered him is that we Often Think That WE Are Right - and then impose
that on Others.
And this is what stayed with me:
That We Must Break The Mold On Right Or Wrong.
We Must Come Together - And Set Up Some New Rules - Before It Is Too Late.
I have seen that this is what is actually Happening.
and it is not going to be Too Late.
And for some Reason my Mind goes back to that day - more
times than I can count.
Now I would like to recall what I remember - about Tavis Smiley -
without googling him.
It was on Bill's show.
Now a couple of years ago when I was watching Bill's show I would
write down the names of the Guests - and then google them to find
out who they were.
What stood out for me then is that Tavis Smiley wanted to attend Indiana
University but he didn't have enough money for tuition - so they let him in
anyway and he lived with the IU basketball players.
Now this is what this Post is all about:
At one point Bill and Tavis Smiley got into a sort of 'discussion' about - I think -
the way women are treated throughout the World.
But this isn't about Women's Rights.
It's about that exchange between Bill and Tavis Smiley - during which they both
held their Own - and especially Tavis - who was kind of frowning - and I Believe
what bothered him is that we Often Think That WE Are Right - and then impose
that on Others.
And this is what stayed with me:
That We Must Break The Mold On Right Or Wrong.
We Must Come Together - And Set Up Some New Rules - Before It Is Too Late.
I have seen that this is what is actually Happening.
and it is not going to be Too Late.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Real Time With Bill Maher - January 27th, 2012
Bill - Absolutely Stunning In A Charcoal Black Suit/Nice Plaid Shirt/
Amazing Tie Which had a small blackonblack pattern
Mark Foley - Loved the orange polkadot tie very abstract although it
didn't really go with the gansta pin-striped suit and handkerchief not
tucked in pocket neatly
Kennedy (sic) - Only a truly beautiful woman can get away with such overly
huge earrings/off the shoulder on one side dress w/suggestively tight bodice
and black hornrimmed glasses but nice hair - makes one think of a female
Johnny Depp
Dana Rohrabacher - I have to say that his shirt was the best piece of clothing
on the show but no to the white necklace
Martin Bashir - quite handsome in the really different tie with the larger stripes
in navy blue on purple with the really nice wide checked shirt and the
handkerchief was neatly tucked in - also the darker skin - here
a nice contrast to Bill's pasty white - to me he looked a little pale
Chef Molto Batali - in my favorite segment - Loved the ponytail held in place
with a yellow scrunchie wearing the sleeveless fleece jacket (yes) on top of a pale
pink shirt and casually rolled up sleeves w/ homey touch provided by a white
everyday t-shirt peeking out and I must say the Chef held his own with Bill
quite well
Off color comments:
Bill - 1 my G.
4 I swear to G.
Kennedy - GD liar
douchebag - in poor taste : [
i was not offended by this but maybe G. watches Bill's show and
could have been
Good Jokes:
~Mars Attacks Woman
~Jan Brewer joke
Best Joke:
~Negroes learning to read
Bomb Joke:
~Mitt Romney sees most dispicable man when shaving
Dumb Phrase - Bill: Wavy Gravy
Yes - Mention Of Navy Seals
Best Comment of Show:
but really it doesn't matter who the President is and it is the disrespect
shown TO HIS FACE that is getting out of hand;
I strongly disagree with Dana Rohrabacher when he said that the
President isn't 'royalty' - the President - the Office - should hold
respect - and Bill O'Reilly was SO WRONG
~Kennedy - yawn in response to DR's remarks was good
~Panelist with an attitude - DR was too touchy
~Turned Me On - The shouting match early on
~Movie Segment ones I really liked:
Silence of the Lambs
Rosemary's Baby
~Good remarks about Eating Healthy
~Comment by Bill about Taking Pills
~Liked the NG Narcissistic (sp) Personality Comment
My Personal Opinion:
Bill was criticized for Ridiculing Others' Religion but REALLY -
speaking as a Christian myself I feel that for too long Christians
have been ramming their Faith down the Throats of Others
New Rules - Good as always but the MC one bordered on
What Struck Me The Most About Tonight's Show Was That When
Bill Said It Was Time For New Rules I Looked At The Clock
Because Folks I Couldn't Believe The Hour Had Gone So Fast -
and that is a good sign.
brown shoes?
Amazing Tie Which had a small blackonblack pattern
Mark Foley - Loved the orange polkadot tie very abstract although it
didn't really go with the gansta pin-striped suit and handkerchief not
tucked in pocket neatly
Kennedy (sic) - Only a truly beautiful woman can get away with such overly
huge earrings/off the shoulder on one side dress w/suggestively tight bodice
and black hornrimmed glasses but nice hair - makes one think of a female
Johnny Depp
Dana Rohrabacher - I have to say that his shirt was the best piece of clothing
on the show but no to the white necklace
Martin Bashir - quite handsome in the really different tie with the larger stripes
in navy blue on purple with the really nice wide checked shirt and the
handkerchief was neatly tucked in - also the darker skin - here
a nice contrast to Bill's pasty white - to me he looked a little pale
Chef Molto Batali - in my favorite segment - Loved the ponytail held in place
with a yellow scrunchie wearing the sleeveless fleece jacket (yes) on top of a pale
pink shirt and casually rolled up sleeves w/ homey touch provided by a white
everyday t-shirt peeking out and I must say the Chef held his own with Bill
quite well
Off color comments:
Bill - 1 my G.
4 I swear to G.
Kennedy - GD liar
douchebag - in poor taste : [
i was not offended by this but maybe G. watches Bill's show and
could have been
Good Jokes:
~Mars Attacks Woman
~Jan Brewer joke
Best Joke:
~Negroes learning to read
Bomb Joke:
~Mitt Romney sees most dispicable man when shaving
Dumb Phrase - Bill: Wavy Gravy
Yes - Mention Of Navy Seals
Best Comment of Show:
but really it doesn't matter who the President is and it is the disrespect
shown TO HIS FACE that is getting out of hand;
I strongly disagree with Dana Rohrabacher when he said that the
President isn't 'royalty' - the President - the Office - should hold
respect - and Bill O'Reilly was SO WRONG
~Kennedy - yawn in response to DR's remarks was good
~Panelist with an attitude - DR was too touchy
~Turned Me On - The shouting match early on
~Movie Segment ones I really liked:
Silence of the Lambs
Rosemary's Baby
~Good remarks about Eating Healthy
~Comment by Bill about Taking Pills
~Liked the NG Narcissistic (sp) Personality Comment
My Personal Opinion:
Bill was criticized for Ridiculing Others' Religion but REALLY -
speaking as a Christian myself I feel that for too long Christians
have been ramming their Faith down the Throats of Others
New Rules - Good as always but the MC one bordered on
What Struck Me The Most About Tonight's Show Was That When
Bill Said It Was Time For New Rules I Looked At The Clock
Because Folks I Couldn't Believe The Hour Had Gone So Fast -
and that is a good sign.
brown shoes?
not bad for an aging sports announcer
I'm not really a sports person - Bryant Gumbel.
But I saw ya on CNN just now and I wanna say:
Nice suit w/ pinstripes set far apart - kinda like the one Piers Morgan had on
recently . The tie was great - not so thin - and pastel shirt.
Eventually you may be able to break into something more Important and
certainly not so 'dummy' as Sports though.
no offense
But I saw ya on CNN just now and I wanna say:
Nice suit w/ pinstripes set far apart - kinda like the one Piers Morgan had on
recently . The tie was great - not so thin - and pastel shirt.
Eventually you may be able to break into something more Important and
certainly not so 'dummy' as Sports though.
no offense
another quote
'I've seen whales calving in the waters off Maui, and
I've watched my children being born. But music is the
most beautiful thing of all.'
~Steven Tyler
(from an interview by
Oprah Winfrey)
and yet another
'I think a good song is worth a hundred dead kids.
I Really do.'
~Bill Maher
(I'm Swiss )
and for Real Political Brilliance and the Best Dirty Jokes Ever
don't miss:
Real Time With Bill Maher at 10 pm ET tonight on HBO
he's REALLY smart
I've watched my children being born. But music is the
most beautiful thing of all.'
~Steven Tyler
(from an interview by
Oprah Winfrey)
and yet another
'I think a good song is worth a hundred dead kids.
I Really do.'
~Bill Maher
(I'm Swiss )
and for Real Political Brilliance and the Best Dirty Jokes Ever
don't miss:
Real Time With Bill Maher at 10 pm ET tonight on HBO
he's REALLY smart
Matt Lewis
I'm a little slow - but it just came to me who's even Smarter than
Sarah Palin:
cause there's no end to the Money he's gonna make off of his
REALLY cool book.
about sarah palin
: ]
Sarah Palin:
cause there's no end to the Money he's gonna make off of his
REALLY cool book.
about sarah palin
: ]
an orange book
It had to be ordered but it came in the Mail today.
Matt Lewis' book - The Quotable Rogue.
I'm not going to read it right now.
I'm going to savor it a little at a Time.
And when I do - I'm gonna say....
Sarah Palin - you go girl.
Why - you might ask?
because she's smart.
But let me tell ya Sarah Palin - if you ever make a run for
the Presidency again - I'm comin' after you with both
and you can take that to the Bank.
I can just picture it now - of course she could take me in a
second - seein's how she's from Alaska and all.
: ]
Matt Lewis' book - The Quotable Rogue.
I'm not going to read it right now.
I'm going to savor it a little at a Time.
And when I do - I'm gonna say....
Sarah Palin - you go girl.
Why - you might ask?
because she's smart.
But let me tell ya Sarah Palin - if you ever make a run for
the Presidency again - I'm comin' after you with both
and you can take that to the Bank.
I can just picture it now - of course she could take me in a
second - seein's how she's from Alaska and all.
: ]
the third picture
The One Of The Black Rapper Flipping Off Us White Folks.
And In His Other Hand He Has A Bunch Of Money.
I can tell you that if I were a Black Rapper -
and furthermore I like RAP -
always have
And In His Other Hand He Has A Bunch Of Money.
I can tell you that if I were a Black Rapper -
and furthermore I like RAP -
always have
Thursday, January 26, 2012
the drama King
If you haven't had your Heart ripped to shreds by the
song that only Elivs could sing - then maybe you were
just born 11 years too late.
I'm talking about Are You Lonesome Tonight - but what
I'm really thinking - and always have - about this classic
downer - is how Elvis steps up in the middle of the Song and
comes right out and Speaks as well as he Always sings.
It's funny that you can't really help paying attention to the
Spoken word - when the whole idea of a song is that it is
supposed to be Sung.
Know what I mean?
Let me refresh your Memory in case some of you old-timers
have forgotten the part that will Live On Forever in the Hearts
of us Losers (pretty good huh?)
I wonder if you're Lonesome tonight
You know someone said that the world's stage
And each must play a part...
Oh gee folks - you know the rest.
But for those of us who knew Elvis well - aren't we glad that
we did - and that he Lives On Forever reminding us that we
are Losers (and we know who we are.)
: [
song that only Elivs could sing - then maybe you were
just born 11 years too late.
I'm talking about Are You Lonesome Tonight - but what
I'm really thinking - and always have - about this classic
downer - is how Elvis steps up in the middle of the Song and
comes right out and Speaks as well as he Always sings.
It's funny that you can't really help paying attention to the
Spoken word - when the whole idea of a song is that it is
supposed to be Sung.
Know what I mean?
Let me refresh your Memory in case some of you old-timers
have forgotten the part that will Live On Forever in the Hearts
of us Losers (pretty good huh?)
I wonder if you're Lonesome tonight
You know someone said that the world's stage
And each must play a part...
Oh gee folks - you know the rest.
But for those of us who knew Elvis well - aren't we glad that
we did - and that he Lives On Forever reminding us that we
are Losers (and we know who we are.)
: [
The Florida Republican Presidential Debate
~My First Reaction When The Debates Started Was One
Of Pride That I Was Seeing America At Its Best
in that here were four Men who were standing up to speak
out and say how they thought they could be the Best President
~The First Hour Contained The Best Issue Questions But
There Simply Was Too Much Blame And Attack And Not
Enough Simple Answers
~The Second Hour Was Pure Bullsh*t
~For Me The Only Candidate That Remotely Showed
Intelligence And Organized Thoughts Was Ron Paul
~The Audience Member Asking A Question That Seemed
Really Nice And Presented Herself Well Was Jennifer Korn
~Best Tie: Wolf Blitzer
Of Pride That I Was Seeing America At Its Best
in that here were four Men who were standing up to speak
out and say how they thought they could be the Best President
~The First Hour Contained The Best Issue Questions But
There Simply Was Too Much Blame And Attack And Not
Enough Simple Answers
~The Second Hour Was Pure Bullsh*t
~For Me The Only Candidate That Remotely Showed
Intelligence And Organized Thoughts Was Ron Paul
~The Audience Member Asking A Question That Seemed
Really Nice And Presented Herself Well Was Jennifer Korn
~Best Tie: Wolf Blitzer
the snowy day
The Snowy Day has been one of my most Special Books for a number
of years - but it is only more recently that I bought it so that I could
have it for my Very Own.
It was the Basic Simplicity that spoke to me from the First - and I would
like to share a part of this with you now:
~There are only two characters in this book.
~The scene is that of Winter.
~The entire book gives the reader a View of the World through a Child's
~Peter - the main Character in The Snowy Day - is faced with the Cold Reality
of Life.
~Throughout the Book the Reader is allowed to travel back in Time - to re-experience
his Own Childhood.
~There is Action in this amazing Book - and the Author reveals what can be found
in the Simpler Things of Life.
~The Seconday Character is actually - in a Sense - the most Important One.
~And although the Author - for a Moment - lets us Peer into the Very Special World
of the Main Character - he makes it Clear that This World is Indeed one that is
Restricted to a Particular Age Group.
Relive the Joy and Wonder of Youth - a it is told here in a Very Special Way.
Ezra Jack Keats (1916-1983) is the author of the Caldecott Award-winning book
The Snowy Day.
of years - but it is only more recently that I bought it so that I could
have it for my Very Own.
It was the Basic Simplicity that spoke to me from the First - and I would
like to share a part of this with you now:
~There are only two characters in this book.
~The scene is that of Winter.
~The entire book gives the reader a View of the World through a Child's
~Peter - the main Character in The Snowy Day - is faced with the Cold Reality
of Life.
~Throughout the Book the Reader is allowed to travel back in Time - to re-experience
his Own Childhood.
~There is Action in this amazing Book - and the Author reveals what can be found
in the Simpler Things of Life.
~The Seconday Character is actually - in a Sense - the most Important One.
~And although the Author - for a Moment - lets us Peer into the Very Special World
of the Main Character - he makes it Clear that This World is Indeed one that is
Restricted to a Particular Age Group.
Relive the Joy and Wonder of Youth - a it is told here in a Very Special Way.
Ezra Jack Keats (1916-1983) is the author of the Caldecott Award-winning book
The Snowy Day.
~post debate coverage
~a book review
~something different in the way of song lyrics
and a lengthy post on the 1953 version of sci-movie War of the Worlds
(on my i heart movies Blog)
~a book review
~something different in the way of song lyrics
and a lengthy post on the 1953 version of sci-movie War of the Worlds
(on my i heart movies Blog)
Quick Note For The Members Of The NFBMFC
I have received several phone calls today and at this time I
would like to Share with all of the Members of the NFBMFC
what transpired during these calls:
~several members were excited about the CNN coverage last
night of the Election Year Brouhaha - especially the time during
which Our Own Bill Maher gave his Take on these Important
Events. For those of you who don't have the Capability of
Watching CNN - I would strongly Recommend that you
consider a Hookup - so as not to miss out on the Excitemnent
that a Presidential Election offers us all - and mostly becasue
it only Happens every Four Years
~Thanks to Shirley for her support and advice concerning the
upcoming Visit by my 96 year old Mother. I spoke with my
Mother just a few minutes ago and she made it clear that she
would NOT be interested in watching Real Time With Bill Maher -
due to Obvious Reasons. That means that I will be able to give this
Really Cool and Amazing Show my full attention and will as usual
Critique it after
~And don't foget to watch the Republican Debate tonight at 8 pm ET -
That's all for now. I thank all of you for your Loyalty to this Cause -
to which we are all Dedicated.
would like to Share with all of the Members of the NFBMFC
what transpired during these calls:
~several members were excited about the CNN coverage last
night of the Election Year Brouhaha - especially the time during
which Our Own Bill Maher gave his Take on these Important
Events. For those of you who don't have the Capability of
Watching CNN - I would strongly Recommend that you
consider a Hookup - so as not to miss out on the Excitemnent
that a Presidential Election offers us all - and mostly becasue
it only Happens every Four Years
~Thanks to Shirley for her support and advice concerning the
upcoming Visit by my 96 year old Mother. I spoke with my
Mother just a few minutes ago and she made it clear that she
would NOT be interested in watching Real Time With Bill Maher -
due to Obvious Reasons. That means that I will be able to give this
Really Cool and Amazing Show my full attention and will as usual
Critique it after
~And don't foget to watch the Republican Debate tonight at 8 pm ET -
That's all for now. I thank all of you for your Loyalty to this Cause -
to which we are all Dedicated.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
It could work folks.
Because He Seems To Me Like A Really Nice And Smart Guy -
kinda like our Current Really Nice and Smart President
and didja see his tie folks - I mean THE BEST YET and such a smart looking
suit with a classic white shirt look but wow the wide pin stripes on piers mogan's
suit it just doesn't get much better than that - but I'm wondering Piers - are ya
streaking wisps of your hair white? jus' wonderin'
I almost forgot - Alec Baldwin - that I strongly disagree with you because
PRIVATE RYAN and if it was a Really close call then they shoulda
given it to Tom Hanks because the AA is an American show and really
Tom Hanks is an American isn't he?
Because He Seems To Me Like A Really Nice And Smart Guy -
kinda like our Current Really Nice and Smart President
and didja see his tie folks - I mean THE BEST YET and such a smart looking
suit with a classic white shirt look but wow the wide pin stripes on piers mogan's
suit it just doesn't get much better than that - but I'm wondering Piers - are ya
streaking wisps of your hair white? jus' wonderin'
I almost forgot - Alec Baldwin - that I strongly disagree with you because
PRIVATE RYAN and if it was a Really close call then they shoulda
given it to Tom Hanks because the AA is an American show and really
Tom Hanks is an American isn't he?
open message to anderson cooper
You cerainly had no way of knowing Anderson Cooper - that I simply
adore Herman Melville's Moby Dick.
But no more.
For you see although I always try to catch your Ridiculist when I can - I
am a Very Impressionable Person and after having seen tonight's coverage
of how Moby Dick has now been transcribed on Six Rolls of Toilet Paper
for Bathroom Reading I fear that there is an Ugly Stain on one of my
Beloved American Classic Novels.
I am not Mad at you - Anderson Cooper.
i just wish you had not put moby Dick on your riDickulist - ok?
adore Herman Melville's Moby Dick.
But no more.
For you see although I always try to catch your Ridiculist when I can - I
am a Very Impressionable Person and after having seen tonight's coverage
of how Moby Dick has now been transcribed on Six Rolls of Toilet Paper
for Bathroom Reading I fear that there is an Ugly Stain on one of my
Beloved American Classic Novels.
I am not Mad at you - Anderson Cooper.
i just wish you had not put moby Dick on your riDickulist - ok?
as promised
Members of the NFBMFC - I am back at MY HOUSE and now have
the information about who the Guests are for Real Time With Bill
Maher on Friday night:
Journalist Martin Bashir
satirist Kennedy (sic)
California Representive Dana Rohrabacher
Chef Mario Batali
Former Florida Reprresentative Mark Foley
I may or may not give a heads up before the Show on Friday night but
I'm gonna be a little busy with my 96 year old Mother coming on Friday
afternoon until Monday evening.
Of course I WILL be watching Bill's really cool Show but it remains to be
seen whether or not my Mother will agree to go to be earlier than that
or if she will insist on watching it with me - and that could be tricky
since she is from the Old School. : [
I will Most Likely do a short Critique/Review after.
Thanks for your Cooperation and Attention to this Matter.
(Shirley - I had three messages on my Voice Mail upon arriving home
saying that your Blueberry Muffins and Raspberry Lemonade were Delicious.
Thanks Sherl.)
the information about who the Guests are for Real Time With Bill
Maher on Friday night:
Journalist Martin Bashir
satirist Kennedy (sic)
California Representive Dana Rohrabacher
Chef Mario Batali
Former Florida Reprresentative Mark Foley
I may or may not give a heads up before the Show on Friday night but
I'm gonna be a little busy with my 96 year old Mother coming on Friday
afternoon until Monday evening.
Of course I WILL be watching Bill's really cool Show but it remains to be
seen whether or not my Mother will agree to go to be earlier than that
or if she will insist on watching it with me - and that could be tricky
since she is from the Old School. : [
I will Most Likely do a short Critique/Review after.
Thanks for your Cooperation and Attention to this Matter.
(Shirley - I had three messages on my Voice Mail upon arriving home
saying that your Blueberry Muffins and Raspberry Lemonade were Delicious.
Thanks Sherl.)
I Was Wrong - so what else is new?
Last night when I watched the SOTU Address I was at someone else's house.
These people whose House I was at clearly told me THAT THE COLOR WAS NOT
Yet knowing this I made a JUDGEMENT CALL ON THE TIES OF
President Barack Obama
Vice President Joe Biden
Speaker of the House John Boehner
Now after I got home this afternoon and saw the coverage of the really boring
SOTU speech presented by President Obama - I clearly saw that the color of
these Very Imprortant Ties -was DIFFERENT.
So I APOLOGIZE for making a serious Judgement Call on the ties of these Fine
Upstanding and Dedicated American Leaders.
and that's all I have to say about that - folks.
: ]
These people whose House I was at clearly told me THAT THE COLOR WAS NOT
Yet knowing this I made a JUDGEMENT CALL ON THE TIES OF
President Barack Obama
Vice President Joe Biden
Speaker of the House John Boehner
Now after I got home this afternoon and saw the coverage of the really boring
SOTU speech presented by President Obama - I clearly saw that the color of
these Very Imprortant Ties -was DIFFERENT.
So I APOLOGIZE for making a serious Judgement Call on the ties of these Fine
Upstanding and Dedicated American Leaders.
and that's all I have to say about that - folks.
: ]
i don't want to say this but I have to
I can barely bring myself to watch this coverage of Gabriel Giffords.
Now I think she is looking like she will eventually completly recover.
But does anyone realize why THIS VERY COURAGEOUS WOMAN
because folks:
but guns don't hurt people - do they?
Now I think she is looking like she will eventually completly recover.
But does anyone realize why THIS VERY COURAGEOUS WOMAN
because folks:
but guns don't hurt people - do they?
Well CNN ya got it right this time.
I'm always thinking - enough of the Obsessing CNN and say something -
ANYTHING - that I want to hear.
And They Just Did.
A Whole Ten Minutes Of What Bill Maher Thinks About The Latest
Brouhaha Concerning American Politics In A Presidential Election Year.
Here's stidh's Take On How It Went:
~Bill looked Hot in an Obviously Expensive (well he is rich folks) Dark
Imacculately Groomed Suit
~Hair Greased Back With Vaseline (?) As Usual But The Top Was Not Quite
Right - do I dare say?
~But The Shirt - it's really all about the shirts - and this One was great - kind of
a Plaid with a white background - lavendar striqes and even really thin black
stripes too
~The thing is - and I Believe that this Piece was done in Bill's Office although I've
certainly never been there : [ - that over his Left shoulder was a huge mockup of
the sign he uses on his Real Time show - although I've certainly never met him -
and on his Right only two books were distinguishable (by me) - the top one seemed
to be some sort of 'chef' book never really heard of the guy - but this is the amazing
thing - and that Bill had very obviously put his New New Rules book so that it was
clearly visable (with the Really hot picture of him when he was 32 lest we forget
what he USED to look like) - talk about yer Celebrity Ego!
~Now was I glad that I keep CNN on 24/7 to get the lastest news and watch my
favorite CNN Celebrites - Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer?
why you might ask?
I'll tell ya why:
and that person is:
I'm always thinking - enough of the Obsessing CNN and say something -
ANYTHING - that I want to hear.
And They Just Did.
A Whole Ten Minutes Of What Bill Maher Thinks About The Latest
Brouhaha Concerning American Politics In A Presidential Election Year.
Here's stidh's Take On How It Went:
~Bill looked Hot in an Obviously Expensive (well he is rich folks) Dark
Imacculately Groomed Suit
~Hair Greased Back With Vaseline (?) As Usual But The Top Was Not Quite
Right - do I dare say?
~But The Shirt - it's really all about the shirts - and this One was great - kind of
a Plaid with a white background - lavendar striqes and even really thin black
stripes too
~The thing is - and I Believe that this Piece was done in Bill's Office although I've
certainly never been there : [ - that over his Left shoulder was a huge mockup of
the sign he uses on his Real Time show - although I've certainly never met him -
and on his Right only two books were distinguishable (by me) - the top one seemed
to be some sort of 'chef' book never really heard of the guy - but this is the amazing
thing - and that Bill had very obviously put his New New Rules book so that it was
clearly visable (with the Really hot picture of him when he was 32 lest we forget
what he USED to look like) - talk about yer Celebrity Ego!
~Now was I glad that I keep CNN on 24/7 to get the lastest news and watch my
favorite CNN Celebrites - Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer?
why you might ask?
I'll tell ya why:
and that person is:
recycling : the magnificent obsession
Before I moved to the New Place - where I lived before it just wasn't
convenient to Recycle. You had to take it all to the Recycling Center -
it was a lot of Work.
But here they pick it up once a week - paper in one bin and everything else
in the Other one.
Now it Really didn't take me long to catch on to Recycling - in fact it gives me
a good feeling that I might be doing something
Sure for the first month or so I Obsessed about it - but I'm ok with it now.
But here's what Really bothers me about Recycling:
I've heard that Styrofoam NEVER GOES AWAY.
It Is Not Biodegradable And Once You throw It In the Trash It Remains -
Now Styrofoam is among us - that's for sure - but what I Really obsess over
is that Restaurants that I just know could afford to - aren't necessarily putting
forth the Effort and Money to get these Really cool containers that are Biodegradable -
and are nice-looking - plus dishwaster safe and microwavable.
One of my Favorite Restaurants that I go to for lunch (or used to :[ ) is:
here in this Large Liberal College Town.
And this is a great place to eat folks -
I hope that Other nice restaurants will follow suit - and wouldn't it be great if
convenient to Recycle. You had to take it all to the Recycling Center -
it was a lot of Work.
But here they pick it up once a week - paper in one bin and everything else
in the Other one.
Now it Really didn't take me long to catch on to Recycling - in fact it gives me
a good feeling that I might be doing something
Sure for the first month or so I Obsessed about it - but I'm ok with it now.
But here's what Really bothers me about Recycling:
I've heard that Styrofoam NEVER GOES AWAY.
It Is Not Biodegradable And Once You throw It In the Trash It Remains -
Now Styrofoam is among us - that's for sure - but what I Really obsess over
is that Restaurants that I just know could afford to - aren't necessarily putting
forth the Effort and Money to get these Really cool containers that are Biodegradable -
and are nice-looking - plus dishwaster safe and microwavable.
One of my Favorite Restaurants that I go to for lunch (or used to :[ ) is:
here in this Large Liberal College Town.
And this is a great place to eat folks -
I hope that Other nice restaurants will follow suit - and wouldn't it be great if
on the generation gap
Just an overnight trip for a 5 year old's family Birthday Party.
But it really set me back a little.
My g-son had a list of items he wanted for his Birthday.
So now that I'm on a Restricted Budget : [ I chose the Bubbles
to give to him - only $ .99. I can afford that I thought (now I
also got him a pair of really cool pj's and did a small Abstract
Painting that he will only Really appreciate when I am long
So after supper we are finding Creative ways to Blow the bubbles:
~how many bubbles can we get from one blow on the wand
~how a bubble can feel like a kiss on the lips
~trying to eat a bubble when it lands on the table
~using the wand in a sweeping motion though the air
and finally
~the Black Hole - when a bubble lingers for a moment in the wand
then is sucked back in and is forever gone
Now the possibilites of this simple childhood activity inspired me to
break into a chorus of 'I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles - Pretty Bubbles
In The Air...'
I was sure my daughter & s-i-l would join in but much to my Amazement
they simply stated:
Never heard of that one.
Never heard of it - I ask incredulously?
Nope - they reply.
Never heard of it.
all of a sudden I started feeling a little old...
But it really set me back a little.
My g-son had a list of items he wanted for his Birthday.
So now that I'm on a Restricted Budget : [ I chose the Bubbles
to give to him - only $ .99. I can afford that I thought (now I
also got him a pair of really cool pj's and did a small Abstract
Painting that he will only Really appreciate when I am long
So after supper we are finding Creative ways to Blow the bubbles:
~how many bubbles can we get from one blow on the wand
~how a bubble can feel like a kiss on the lips
~trying to eat a bubble when it lands on the table
~using the wand in a sweeping motion though the air
and finally
~the Black Hole - when a bubble lingers for a moment in the wand
then is sucked back in and is forever gone
Now the possibilites of this simple childhood activity inspired me to
break into a chorus of 'I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles - Pretty Bubbles
In The Air...'
I was sure my daughter & s-i-l would join in but much to my Amazement
they simply stated:
Never heard of that one.
Never heard of it - I ask incredulously?
Nope - they reply.
Never heard of it.
all of a sudden I started feeling a little old...
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Constitutional Ammendent
to limit the length of State of the Union Addresses:
~we ran the risk here of droning on and on
~I had time to load the dishwasher and still it wasn't over
~close to beating WHH's record for Presidential speeches
~kinda like a too long Sermon : [
Still - the evening yielded some good moments.
Setting the Scene:
Spotting the Secretary of State I reminesced (sp) on how this Great
Woman has always taken the attitude of 'I'll Wear My Hair However
I Want And What Are Ya Gonna Do About It Anyway?'
What The Ties Were Like:
~really the wider look seemed to prevail and scanning the crowd
I found that the pale pastel shirts seem in Vogue
~Of THE BIG THREE - that is:
President Barack Obama
Speaker of the House John Boehner
Vice-President of the United States Joe Biden
the winner is the Speaker of the House wearing a really cool
blue/black/white awesome Designer Pattern - far and above
the Best
President Obama's tie didn't even come in a close second
The VP - No - again a distracting Optical Illusion One like
RS wore during the Southern Republican Debates
Naturally The First Lady Looked Stunning in a Lovely Glitterly
I Believe Dark Purple Frock With A Boat Neck
The mood in the Chamber in general at the Beginning was Lively &
Animated with Folks dressed in Bright Colors but little did they
realize what Boredom lay in store for Them : [
We were treated to Pre-Speech smiles by the Supreme Court and
Generals dressed in Full Regalia
During the SOTU Address:
JB and JB - Didja ever notice before that these two have indentical
initials? cause I didn't
The VP:
~was wearing a self-assured slight smirk throughout but was the
first Person of Note behind the President to give in to taking
a sip of water, using a Kleenex and scratching the back of
his Neck
SO the H
~grim, tanned and twitchy about the mouth at times
Highlights of the SOTU Address:
~well- controlled hand and arm motions
~good start by mentioning
o Heroes
o end of War in Iraq - Yes!
o demise of OBL
~Obama Family Background and because he is the President he
could elaborate much more on this that the RC
~seemed to be wearing a tiny Flag pin
~pointed out and rightfully so that Our Country's Problems began
at least 6 months before he even took Office - Good One Mr. President
~got jiggy at one point and seemed to be in a 'Rocky' mode
~the ever-Present repeatedly high pitched beginning of each sentence
such as 'and we will not...'
~at first President Obama was able to bring the entire group to their feet applauding but
in time this tapered off - I Wonder Why ho hum
~mentioned in passing about Piracy of Movies and really didn't Bill
Maher bring that up on Friday Night?
There Is No Doubt That President Barack Obama Will Be Remembered
As The Great Speech Maker -
but I really believe that it was not that If You've Heard One SOTU
Address You've Heard Them All that caused me to check out after
the first 40 minutes...
but rather that I didn't spot any really cool Hollywood
Celeberties there tonight
: ]
~we ran the risk here of droning on and on
~I had time to load the dishwasher and still it wasn't over
~close to beating WHH's record for Presidential speeches
~kinda like a too long Sermon : [
Still - the evening yielded some good moments.
Setting the Scene:
Spotting the Secretary of State I reminesced (sp) on how this Great
Woman has always taken the attitude of 'I'll Wear My Hair However
I Want And What Are Ya Gonna Do About It Anyway?'
What The Ties Were Like:
~really the wider look seemed to prevail and scanning the crowd
I found that the pale pastel shirts seem in Vogue
~Of THE BIG THREE - that is:
President Barack Obama
Speaker of the House John Boehner
Vice-President of the United States Joe Biden
the winner is the Speaker of the House wearing a really cool
blue/black/white awesome Designer Pattern - far and above
the Best
President Obama's tie didn't even come in a close second
The VP - No - again a distracting Optical Illusion One like
RS wore during the Southern Republican Debates
Naturally The First Lady Looked Stunning in a Lovely Glitterly
I Believe Dark Purple Frock With A Boat Neck
The mood in the Chamber in general at the Beginning was Lively &
Animated with Folks dressed in Bright Colors but little did they
realize what Boredom lay in store for Them : [
We were treated to Pre-Speech smiles by the Supreme Court and
Generals dressed in Full Regalia
During the SOTU Address:
JB and JB - Didja ever notice before that these two have indentical
initials? cause I didn't
The VP:
~was wearing a self-assured slight smirk throughout but was the
first Person of Note behind the President to give in to taking
a sip of water, using a Kleenex and scratching the back of
his Neck
SO the H
~grim, tanned and twitchy about the mouth at times
Highlights of the SOTU Address:
~well- controlled hand and arm motions
~good start by mentioning
o Heroes
o end of War in Iraq - Yes!
o demise of OBL
~Obama Family Background and because he is the President he
could elaborate much more on this that the RC
~seemed to be wearing a tiny Flag pin
~pointed out and rightfully so that Our Country's Problems began
at least 6 months before he even took Office - Good One Mr. President
~got jiggy at one point and seemed to be in a 'Rocky' mode
~the ever-Present repeatedly high pitched beginning of each sentence
such as 'and we will not...'
~at first President Obama was able to bring the entire group to their feet applauding but
in time this tapered off - I Wonder Why ho hum
~mentioned in passing about Piracy of Movies and really didn't Bill
Maher bring that up on Friday Night?
There Is No Doubt That President Barack Obama Will Be Remembered
As The Great Speech Maker -
but I really believe that it was not that If You've Heard One SOTU
Address You've Heard Them All that caused me to check out after
the first 40 minutes...
but rather that I didn't spot any really cool Hollywood
Celeberties there tonight
: ]
a pictoral quiz by stidh
The clues are in the Pictures - folks.
or can be found on my art blog
or in any of my really cool previous posts
anditwouldhelpifyahavebeenreadingmyblogallalong -see?
To quote one of my favorite Anne Heche movies:
how close are you to this anyway?
ever see the movie blow- up?
1. What Holiday is coming up?

2. What Beverage that is good for your Eyes am I drinking (small cup)?

3. Which Holiday is it in this Picture?
4. What is my favorite Continent?

5. What are the Little Green men alarmed about?

6. Which American Actor stared in this 1956 movie?
 be continued.
or can be found on my art blog
or in any of my really cool previous posts
anditwouldhelpifyahavebeenreadingmyblogallalong -see?
To quote one of my favorite Anne Heche movies:
how close are you to this anyway?
ever see the movie blow- up?
1. What Holiday is coming up?
2. What Beverage that is good for your Eyes am I drinking (small cup)?
3. Which Holiday is it in this Picture?
4. What is my favorite Continent?
5. What are the Little Green men alarmed about?
6. Which American Actor stared in this 1956 movie? be continued.
maybe hugo
I heard it's Good.
I haven't seen any of the Nominated Movies.
I'll rent them when they Come out.
Then buy the Ones I REALLY like.
won't be long folks until I have 200 dvds
open my own video store...
: ]
I haven't seen any of the Nominated Movies.
I'll rent them when they Come out.
Then buy the Ones I REALLY like.
won't be long folks until I have 200 dvds
open my own video store...
: ]
I'm NOT watching it
Rise of the Planet of the Apes wasn't even Nominated.
The Academy Awards are passe.
The Golden Globes was so good this Year that the AA
can't even Touch It.
That show is so long and boring.
And Political.
Why wasn't Chrisopher Nolan even recognized for Inception?
Is it because he is a Conservative?
I think Descendents will get Best Picture.
George Clooney - Best Actor.
The Academy Awards are passe.
The Golden Globes was so good this Year that the AA
can't even Touch It.
That show is so long and boring.
And Political.
Why wasn't Chrisopher Nolan even recognized for Inception?
Is it because he is a Conservative?
I think Descendents will get Best Picture.
George Clooney - Best Actor.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Tonight's meeting of the NFBMFC
Listen up - Folks.
I will be out of town for 24 - hours so Shirley
will be in Charge of the Meeting tonight.
Please give her your Support and Cooperation.
When I get back I will post the Guests for
REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER Friday, January 27th.
Why don'tcha all just Party It Up at Tonight's
Meeting - maybe Hoist A Few - or do some Kareoke.
Charades would be good too.
Say - I think Shirely mentioned to me once that
she has a Bop It. Didja know I once got up to
100 once. Never get past 20 now though. Oh well.
I'll be in touch with each and every one of you -
about forming Committees - you know stuff like that.
As your President I would just like to say that I
appreciate the support you have thrown My Way.
Oh - and don't forget about Hbo reruns of Bill's
show - they are on nearly every day. :]
And please folks - be sure to watch the SOTU
speech - Historically speaking it promises to
be a good one.
Let's close tonight with something a little
God Bless Bill.
God Bless all of the Republican Candidates.
God Bless President Obama.
God Bless The United States Of America.
Thanks God.
I will be out of town for 24 - hours so Shirley
will be in Charge of the Meeting tonight.
Please give her your Support and Cooperation.
When I get back I will post the Guests for
REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER Friday, January 27th.
Why don'tcha all just Party It Up at Tonight's
Meeting - maybe Hoist A Few - or do some Kareoke.
Charades would be good too.
Say - I think Shirely mentioned to me once that
she has a Bop It. Didja know I once got up to
100 once. Never get past 20 now though. Oh well.
I'll be in touch with each and every one of you -
about forming Committees - you know stuff like that.
As your President I would just like to say that I
appreciate the support you have thrown My Way.
Oh - and don't forget about Hbo reruns of Bill's
show - they are on nearly every day. :]
And please folks - be sure to watch the SOTU
speech - Historically speaking it promises to
be a good one.
Let's close tonight with something a little
God Bless Bill.
God Bless all of the Republican Candidates.
God Bless President Obama.
God Bless The United States Of America.
Thanks God.
stidh goes to Washington - for the SOTU speech
Nah - I'm not really going to Washington, D.C.
However you can read all about it right here on
~full coverage on my Blog will be on WEDNESDAY NIGHT
~fair and open report
~who stands up and claps and who stubbornly remains
~read all about who wears what
~full report on mens' ties
~I'll be reading the VP's lips for any smart-*ss
remarks to the Prez
~will SOTH John Boehner have a tan as usual?
~timed applause
~what will the First Lady wear?
~will anyone on the SC even crack a smile
and most of all stidh will Thrill to these words -
it just doesn't get any better than this folks
And it always will be.
This is the best idea for a country that anybody has
ever come up with.
~Craig Ferguson
However you can read all about it right here on
~full coverage on my Blog will be on WEDNESDAY NIGHT
~fair and open report
~who stands up and claps and who stubbornly remains
~read all about who wears what
~full report on mens' ties
~I'll be reading the VP's lips for any smart-*ss
remarks to the Prez
~will SOTH John Boehner have a tan as usual?
~timed applause
~what will the First Lady wear?
~will anyone on the SC even crack a smile
and most of all stidh will Thrill to these words -
it just doesn't get any better than this folks
And it always will be.
This is the best idea for a country that anybody has
ever come up with.
~Craig Ferguson
police state?
In This Country?
Why I submitted to a Pat Down not that long ago
and really Sen. Paul - It Wasn't That Bad.
I just remained calm and relaxed and the nice
Black TSA lady just did her job and I was on
My Way.
even though a few minutes before that I might have
gotten into a fist fight with the guy putting back
the trays that you put your stuff in well he shouldn't
have cut in front of me like that I am an American
Citizen aren't I I should have had his *ss fired :[
Why I submitted to a Pat Down not that long ago
and really Sen. Paul - It Wasn't That Bad.
I just remained calm and relaxed and the nice
Black TSA lady just did her job and I was on
My Way.
even though a few minutes before that I might have
gotten into a fist fight with the guy putting back
the trays that you put your stuff in well he shouldn't
have cut in front of me like that I am an American
Citizen aren't I I should have had his *ss fired :[
so ya wanna know what i think - jack cafferty?
Those were pretty mean things you just said about President Obama.
I Just Know Mr. Obama Is Doing The Best That He Can.
So There.
I Just Know Mr. Obama Is Doing The Best That He Can.
So There.
sorry it took so long
stidh announces that her long awaited Blog -
the traditional idiot housewife blog
will be up and running by 12 noon ET - today.
The reason it took so long is that I was obsessing
over whether my first Post should be my Hot and Sour
Soup recipe or How To Live With Having Your Own
Bathroom As The Guest Bathroom :[ - and I finally
decided last Night to Go with the Bathroom Post.
ya won't want to miss this one folks
the traditional idiot housewife blog
will be up and running by 12 noon ET - today.
The reason it took so long is that I was obsessing
over whether my first Post should be my Hot and Sour
Soup recipe or How To Live With Having Your Own
Bathroom As The Guest Bathroom :[ - and I finally
decided last Night to Go with the Bathroom Post.
ya won't want to miss this one folks
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Let's Get It Right Folks
First I read on the internet that Joe Paterno is near Death.
Then I read an apology that this had been reported.
Then various articles on his Health.
Now It Seems Certain That Joe Paterno Has In Fact Died.
Since no one asked - here is my take on that anyway.
I Believe - and I Sincerely Hope - that Joe Paterno
came to Terms With Himself - and with His...whoever
he Believes in.
Do I Believe that Joe Paterno was a Good Guy?
Never met him - but those I Respect say he was.
Do I think he made a Serious Mistake in his Life.
Yes I do.
but right now I wish to say to Joe Paterno:
Rest In Peace Joe Paterno.
You probably deserve it - and who am I to Judge you
and by the way Joe I have it on the Best Authority
that the Big Guy likes Football : [ so you're In.
Then I read an apology that this had been reported.
Then various articles on his Health.
Now It Seems Certain That Joe Paterno Has In Fact Died.
Since no one asked - here is my take on that anyway.
I Believe - and I Sincerely Hope - that Joe Paterno
came to Terms With Himself - and with His...whoever
he Believes in.
Do I Believe that Joe Paterno was a Good Guy?
Never met him - but those I Respect say he was.
Do I think he made a Serious Mistake in his Life.
Yes I do.
but right now I wish to say to Joe Paterno:
Rest In Peace Joe Paterno.
You probably deserve it - and who am I to Judge you
and by the way Joe I have it on the Best Authority
that the Big Guy likes Football : [ so you're In.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
I have done this before and did it over on the right
Blog but this is too long so I am going to leave it
here and then tomorrow I will continue the Subject
on my Classical Piano Blog.
Blog but this is too long so I am going to leave it
here and then tomorrow I will continue the Subject
on my Classical Piano Blog.
i heart bela bartok
First a personal message to Mike:
Since you are so crazy about music like
Bach's Sciliano and like the Flute - I'm
thinkin' that you are probably also fond
of Claude Debussy's Clair de Lune - which
frankly makes me want to p*ke. I have found
that Clair de Lune is one of those Pieces
that you either do or don't like - and often
there is no in between.
But I will say that I know that it is Extremely
Well Written and Absolutely Beautiful and since
I usually end up eating my Words I will most
likely be Playing it again - Sometime. : ]
Now I have had some exposure to other works
of Debussy - I think it's the Preludes and
I actually studied a couple of them not all
that long ago.
Unfortunately when I did a sweep of my music
- in order to define myself - I must have given
them away. I may want to buy them again but
here I'm going to talk about Bartok.
I believe that my attraction to Bartok's Piano
Music comes from my newly-found Love Affair with
The Abstract. Now Bartok certainly is not a full-on
Quirky Twentieth Composer to the extent that Others
are - but here is what I think:
Bartok - for me at least - is a Link or a Bridge
from the Masters such as Beethoven and Chopin - and
even Schumann and Schubert - to the Twentieth Century
Looking through a Piano Book of mine today called
THE TWENTIETH CENTURY - A Repertory Of Piano Works
By Major Composers of Our Time - Selected and Edited
by Denes Agay - I saw names of Composers that I have
liked in the Past such as:
~Dmitri Kabalevsky
~Aram Khatchaturian
~Zoltan Kodaly
~Darius Milhaud
~Serge Prokofieff
~Maurice Ravel
~Dmitri Shostakovich
~Alexander Scriabin
~Igor Stravinsky
I need to be Honest here and say that I originally
studied some of the works of a few of these Composers
back in College - and I would like to talk about a couple
of them in particular - mainly Ravel and Scriabin -and I will
do so tomorrow.
But before I do - I am first going to say more about
Bela Bartok - in the Morning.
Since you are so crazy about music like
Bach's Sciliano and like the Flute - I'm
thinkin' that you are probably also fond
of Claude Debussy's Clair de Lune - which
frankly makes me want to p*ke. I have found
that Clair de Lune is one of those Pieces
that you either do or don't like - and often
there is no in between.
But I will say that I know that it is Extremely
Well Written and Absolutely Beautiful and since
I usually end up eating my Words I will most
likely be Playing it again - Sometime. : ]
Now I have had some exposure to other works
of Debussy - I think it's the Preludes and
I actually studied a couple of them not all
that long ago.
Unfortunately when I did a sweep of my music
- in order to define myself - I must have given
them away. I may want to buy them again but
here I'm going to talk about Bartok.
I believe that my attraction to Bartok's Piano
Music comes from my newly-found Love Affair with
The Abstract. Now Bartok certainly is not a full-on
Quirky Twentieth Composer to the extent that Others
are - but here is what I think:
Bartok - for me at least - is a Link or a Bridge
from the Masters such as Beethoven and Chopin - and
even Schumann and Schubert - to the Twentieth Century
Looking through a Piano Book of mine today called
THE TWENTIETH CENTURY - A Repertory Of Piano Works
By Major Composers of Our Time - Selected and Edited
by Denes Agay - I saw names of Composers that I have
liked in the Past such as:
~Dmitri Kabalevsky
~Aram Khatchaturian
~Zoltan Kodaly
~Darius Milhaud
~Serge Prokofieff
~Maurice Ravel
~Dmitri Shostakovich
~Alexander Scriabin
~Igor Stravinsky
I need to be Honest here and say that I originally
studied some of the works of a few of these Composers
back in College - and I would like to talk about a couple
of them in particular - mainly Ravel and Scriabin -and I will
do so tomorrow.
But before I do - I am first going to say more about
Bela Bartok - in the Morning.
Friday, January 20, 2012
REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER - January 20th, 2012
The problem I had with tonight's show is:
Things That Spoke To Me:
~How they looked:
Bill's outfit - for me it was about the shirt tonight
Bill Moyers - really nice with the very pale blue shirt
and classice tie - love the wine color and design
Matt Lewis - very smart and well-spoken and I will check
out the book (if I can see my post on that :[)
Jennifer Granholm - really sharp looking in red suit/nice
necklace and love the haircut
Buddy Roemer - the tie in itself was not so much what attracted
me but it's abstract look and colors
Bernie Sanders - was that a sweater vest under your jacket? : ]
Monologue - once Bill got on the Rep. Debates there was no
stopping him - what great jokes
The Panel - Over the Top - and I loved it that Bernie Sanders
took on the Panel singlehandedly and Bill had to once again
prevent a fist fight
I couldn't help thinking that these people had lost sight that
they were on tv - but were really into what they were saying
and that's why they call it REAL TIME with bill maher
Dispatches From The Bubble - glad to see that reintroduced
~liked the reference about America apologizing - I've always thought
that no on is above that and really haven't we made a few mistakes folks
~Bill's remark about winning a race against a fictional person
~Religulous is not a comic documentary but a very important documentary
on religion that happens to contain brilliant comedy just my opinion
~Posters - liked Kansas and R.I the best
Bottom line here for me is can you Really find a program in which so much Truth is spoken in One Hour?
Things That Spoke To Me:
~How they looked:
Bill's outfit - for me it was about the shirt tonight
Bill Moyers - really nice with the very pale blue shirt
and classice tie - love the wine color and design
Matt Lewis - very smart and well-spoken and I will check
out the book (if I can see my post on that :[)
Jennifer Granholm - really sharp looking in red suit/nice
necklace and love the haircut
Buddy Roemer - the tie in itself was not so much what attracted
me but it's abstract look and colors
Bernie Sanders - was that a sweater vest under your jacket? : ]
Monologue - once Bill got on the Rep. Debates there was no
stopping him - what great jokes
The Panel - Over the Top - and I loved it that Bernie Sanders
took on the Panel singlehandedly and Bill had to once again
prevent a fist fight
I couldn't help thinking that these people had lost sight that
they were on tv - but were really into what they were saying
and that's why they call it REAL TIME with bill maher
Dispatches From The Bubble - glad to see that reintroduced
~liked the reference about America apologizing - I've always thought
that no on is above that and really haven't we made a few mistakes folks
~Bill's remark about winning a race against a fictional person
~Religulous is not a comic documentary but a very important documentary
on religion that happens to contain brilliant comedy just my opinion
~Posters - liked Kansas and R.I the best
Bottom line here for me is can you Really find a program in which so much Truth is spoken in One Hour?
a message for rick santorum
When I saw that Piers Morgan was interviewing you
tonight on his Show I thought I would catch some
of it to make sure I wasn't wrong about you.
And I only needed to watch about 10 minutes of it.
I know now that I wasn't wrong.
Funny thing is you came across on Piers Morgan very
well Rick. Talking about your ancesters and whatever.
But if you can't stand up there and be at least a little
bit impressive while running for the Job of Leader of the
Free World then what good is it if you are impressive in
your own home.
Was that your Home where Piers Morgan was interviewing you
Rick? You must be Rich. So why don't you just do something
else with your Money and stop fooling around running for
I've read about you - what you Believe and what you Stand
And why the f*ing sweater vest?
You should follow the example of someone who really knows
how to dress Sharp - Rick.
Like Piers Morgan.
Didja see that tie?
just to set the record straight I'm not in love with
Piers Morgan and anyone who doesn't know who I'm in
Love with hasn't been reading my Blog
tonight on his Show I thought I would catch some
of it to make sure I wasn't wrong about you.
And I only needed to watch about 10 minutes of it.
I know now that I wasn't wrong.
Funny thing is you came across on Piers Morgan very
well Rick. Talking about your ancesters and whatever.
But if you can't stand up there and be at least a little
bit impressive while running for the Job of Leader of the
Free World then what good is it if you are impressive in
your own home.
Was that your Home where Piers Morgan was interviewing you
Rick? You must be Rich. So why don't you just do something
else with your Money and stop fooling around running for
I've read about you - what you Believe and what you Stand
And why the f*ing sweater vest?
You should follow the example of someone who really knows
how to dress Sharp - Rick.
Like Piers Morgan.
Didja see that tie?
just to set the record straight I'm not in love with
Piers Morgan and anyone who doesn't know who I'm in
Love with hasn't been reading my Blog
on takin' hits
These really cool Song Lyrics are for President Obama.
Ok - so I feel the need to kiss up to him a little and
I'm feelin' a little guilty for having been momentarily
distracted by Mitt Romney (but look out Mr. President
cause I think that Mitt is going to give you a run for
your money. But I know you are gonna be ready.)
But these Song Lyrics are really for anyone who takes
all the hits and just keeps on coming.
Kinda like Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai and that guy
virtually just beats the c*ap out of him and ole Tom
just won't stay down - why the Other people just start
to walk away one by one it's so pathetic - but Civil War
Hero Nathan Algren just won't give up. I'm not sure why -
maybe he needs to prove something to himself - or maybe
he...never did figure that one out.
But for anyone who is able to take the hits time after
time and still remain true to himself - well this one's
for you.
Consider it a Birthday Present.
Well, they'll stone ya when you're trying to be so good
They'll stone ya just a-like they said they would
They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to go home
Then they'll stone ya when you're there all alone
But I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get stoned
They'll stone ya when you're walkin' 'long the street
They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to keep your seat
They'll stone ya when you're walkin' on the floor
They'll stone ya when you're walkin' to the door
But I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get stoned
They'll stone ya when you're at the breakfast table
They'll stone ya when you are young and able
They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to make a Buck
They'll stone ya and then they'll say 'good luck'
Tell ya what, I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get stoned
Well, they'll stone you and say that it's the end
Then they'll stone you and then they'll come back again
They'll stone you when you're riding in your car
They'll stone you when you're playing your guitar
Yes, but i would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get Stoned.
and don't let 'em give you any sh*t about your ponytail
Thanks Bob Dylan - you're the Greatest.
Ok - so I feel the need to kiss up to him a little and
I'm feelin' a little guilty for having been momentarily
distracted by Mitt Romney (but look out Mr. President
cause I think that Mitt is going to give you a run for
your money. But I know you are gonna be ready.)
But these Song Lyrics are really for anyone who takes
all the hits and just keeps on coming.
Kinda like Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai and that guy
virtually just beats the c*ap out of him and ole Tom
just won't stay down - why the Other people just start
to walk away one by one it's so pathetic - but Civil War
Hero Nathan Algren just won't give up. I'm not sure why -
maybe he needs to prove something to himself - or maybe
he...never did figure that one out.
But for anyone who is able to take the hits time after
time and still remain true to himself - well this one's
for you.
Consider it a Birthday Present.
Well, they'll stone ya when you're trying to be so good
They'll stone ya just a-like they said they would
They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to go home
Then they'll stone ya when you're there all alone
But I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get stoned
They'll stone ya when you're walkin' 'long the street
They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to keep your seat
They'll stone ya when you're walkin' on the floor
They'll stone ya when you're walkin' to the door
But I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get stoned
They'll stone ya when you're at the breakfast table
They'll stone ya when you are young and able
They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to make a Buck
They'll stone ya and then they'll say 'good luck'
Tell ya what, I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get stoned
Well, they'll stone you and say that it's the end
Then they'll stone you and then they'll come back again
They'll stone you when you're riding in your car
They'll stone you when you're playing your guitar
Yes, but i would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get Stoned.
and don't let 'em give you any sh*t about your ponytail
Thanks Bob Dylan - you're the Greatest.
Mr. President.
I am so sorry.
You must have been thinking that I dumped
you for Mitt Romney.
But that's just not True.
In fact - I Plead Temporary Insanity.
You Not Only Had My Vote In November All The Time -
but now I Believe that you truly have it Locked Up.
Why You Might Ask?
Cause Man - you can Sing.
And when you get right down to it - Mr. President...
sure it's about the Vote -
but in the end
next time how about a chorus of Frank Sinatra's
Star - and maybe you could get Seth MacFarlane
to join you up there on the Stage
I am so sorry.
You must have been thinking that I dumped
you for Mitt Romney.
But that's just not True.
In fact - I Plead Temporary Insanity.
You Not Only Had My Vote In November All The Time -
but now I Believe that you truly have it Locked Up.
Why You Might Ask?
Cause Man - you can Sing.
And when you get right down to it - Mr. President...
sure it's about the Vote -
but in the end
next time how about a chorus of Frank Sinatra's
Star - and maybe you could get Seth MacFarlane
to join you up there on the Stage
I Believe this could Work.
Why not set up a Brainstroming Session on Jobs sometime soon.
The Host and Moderator could be Piers Morgan.
His show is Flexible and I've noticed that sometimes when
an important event occurs he sets aside his regular format
and then his show becomes a venue for covering that event.
The Brainstorming On Jobs Session could be held in a
Roundtable style - with the four Republican Candidates
coming up with ideas on how to create jobs in Our Country.
Not only might this actually bring about ideas that might
work - but the Session would allow some time for going
in depth about the ideas.
Following Piers normal length of his show would give an
hour - although two hours would most likely be better and
that could include at least four ideas from the audience
- people who would be chosen to participate ahead of time.
The audience needs to be much smaller - no more than
100 people at the most - so that the Discussions are kept
Audience reaction should be kept to an absolute minimum -
this has worked before - although certainly some response
would not hurt. And for the sake of Our Country and the
dire straights we now find Ourselves in - the Candidates
surely could set aside their differences - as much as is
possible - and work together on this.
At no time would there be any hint of campaigning allowed -
but because these Discussions would be on live tv - certainly
viewers at home would be able to size up the Candidates.
ABSOLUTLEY NO GRANDSTANDING but on the Honor of the candidates
themselves - the audience and home viewers could see how in
This Country we are willing to step up and Sincerely do our
best for America.
Or to put it another way: PUT OUR MONEY WHERE OUR MOUTH IS.
This could lead to valuable imput on This VERY IMPORTANT
This is a chance for three of these Candidates to really
show their Love of Country. Because Mitt Romney will most
likely be The Chosen One to oppose incumbent President
Barack Obama in November - the other three - Ron Paul,
Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum would have a chance to be
remembered for good sportsmanship and true Patriotism in
Piers Morgan is one of the best talk show moderators ever and
has the ability to moderate something of this nature - and
would inherently know when to listen to each Job Suggestion -
and to ensure that each Republican Candidate has equal chance
to speak.
This could work.
Why not set up a Brainstroming Session on Jobs sometime soon.
The Host and Moderator could be Piers Morgan.
His show is Flexible and I've noticed that sometimes when
an important event occurs he sets aside his regular format
and then his show becomes a venue for covering that event.
The Brainstorming On Jobs Session could be held in a
Roundtable style - with the four Republican Candidates
coming up with ideas on how to create jobs in Our Country.
Not only might this actually bring about ideas that might
work - but the Session would allow some time for going
in depth about the ideas.
Following Piers normal length of his show would give an
hour - although two hours would most likely be better and
that could include at least four ideas from the audience
- people who would be chosen to participate ahead of time.
The audience needs to be much smaller - no more than
100 people at the most - so that the Discussions are kept
Audience reaction should be kept to an absolute minimum -
this has worked before - although certainly some response
would not hurt. And for the sake of Our Country and the
dire straights we now find Ourselves in - the Candidates
surely could set aside their differences - as much as is
possible - and work together on this.
At no time would there be any hint of campaigning allowed -
but because these Discussions would be on live tv - certainly
viewers at home would be able to size up the Candidates.
ABSOLUTLEY NO GRANDSTANDING but on the Honor of the candidates
themselves - the audience and home viewers could see how in
This Country we are willing to step up and Sincerely do our
best for America.
Or to put it another way: PUT OUR MONEY WHERE OUR MOUTH IS.
This could lead to valuable imput on This VERY IMPORTANT
This is a chance for three of these Candidates to really
show their Love of Country. Because Mitt Romney will most
likely be The Chosen One to oppose incumbent President
Barack Obama in November - the other three - Ron Paul,
Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum would have a chance to be
remembered for good sportsmanship and true Patriotism in
Piers Morgan is one of the best talk show moderators ever and
has the ability to moderate something of this nature - and
would inherently know when to listen to each Job Suggestion -
and to ensure that each Republican Candidate has equal chance
to speak.
This could work.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
famous people that were born on January 20th
~King Charles III of Spain
~Andre-Marie Ampere
~Anson Jones
~Yvette Guilbert
~Jozef Hofmann
~Walter Piston
~George Burns
~Colin Clive
~Joy Adamson
~Frederico Fellini
~Ray Anthony
~Slim Whitman
~Buzz Aldrin
~Bill Maher
~Ron Harper
~Sophie The Countess of Wessex
~Stacey Dash
~Rainn Wilson
~Brian Giles
~Joy Giovanni
~Matthew Tuck
~Javier Chand
Have a good one People.
~Andre-Marie Ampere
~Anson Jones
~Yvette Guilbert
~Jozef Hofmann
~Walter Piston
~George Burns
~Colin Clive
~Joy Adamson
~Frederico Fellini
~Ray Anthony
~Slim Whitman
~Buzz Aldrin
~Bill Maher
~Ron Harper
~Sophie The Countess of Wessex
~Stacey Dash
~Rainn Wilson
~Brian Giles
~Joy Giovanni
~Matthew Tuck
~Javier Chand
Have a good one People.
stidh's take on The Southern Republican Presidential Debates
I'm going to do something a little different tonight
in my Analysis of the Debates - by starting at the end
while I'm still fired up and the events are fresh in
my Mind.
I have to admit to missing perhaps 40 minutes - from
approximately 9:10 to 9:55 pm - but I Believe that I
have enough notes to sufficiently cover the Debates.
Rick Santorum closed out this Rousing session with:
The American Public needs to Decide Who Is The Best
Person To Take On President Obama - but then after
that I lost the Thread because - Rick - You Lost It.
Going from that Brilliant Statement to downhill real
fast by getting too Passionate and Anxious did you in.
And the Reason for that is folks is that RICK SANTORUM
My advice - and it's too late for Rick - is for Mitt
Keep your Dignity and avoid Cr*p like:
Shining City On The Hill
Mitt: In the beginning you did so well.
~Best remark that I heard all night was when asked
what the Candidates thought about Newt Gingrich's
Personal Issues you said:
Good one Mitt.
~Your hand gestures were good - Mitt. Controlled and
kept at just above the waist level.(Although when
RS pointed to the sky he made me look. :] And Rick
used his head too much when he talked it confused me)
~I voted your tie as the best Mitt - because it was
classy with its just less than medium blue and white
stripes - not distracting like Rick's whose red one
with small white dots reminded me of those optical
illusions tricks.)
~Everyone got a good shot in about their family at the
first except for Ron Paul who was smart and talked up
his qualifications and later drew applause for mentioning
that he was the only Veteran of the Four.
~Speaking of The Four - my very first thought was when the
Debates began - now we can get down to business with four
instead of six or eight. But when RP finally got chosen
to speak he was polite but a little exasperated and that
brought back memories of the 2008 circus debates.
~Loved the Huge American Flag and the Citadel Cadets
not to mention the nice big Star decor.
~When Newt Gingrich blasted CNN - and rightfully so -
for starting out with Gossipy Junk and making it look
like a travesty - still I thought Wow Newt -
way to go but I'm sure he was ready for that Contingency.
But really it did earn him a Standing O.
~Rick Santorum pretended to take notes throughout the Debates
but I'm betting that it was just his way of trying to stay
focused and not Look Dopey.
~And why is he still in the Race anyway?
~Good points were scored by Ron Paul about Specific
Unemployment Suggestions
~There was a lot of talk about How Mitt Romney
did as CEO of Bain Capital but never heard of it
before tonight so no comment.
~I most likely missed out on any discussion about
Afghanistan (the phone call : [ )
~other Issues discussed:
~more on Mitt: slurring words - didn't even notice that
tonight; poised throughout except at last when he got
too excited; focused what a hunk and I'm not kidding :]
Keep your cool People.
~at least in the part I heard there did not seem to be
as mnay direct hits on President Obama - just for the sake of it.
~Ron Paul's remark about we should 'limit foreign spending to
help peole on health care' did anyone get that?
~Our economy works on a grass-roots level? Is that opposed
to the SMD Economy that Bill Maher suggested once? jus'wonderin'
~Mitt said that the ObamaCare should be reversed in its entirity (sp)
~Rick Santorum got too overwhelming in his reponse about repealing
Health Care
~RS seemed to be confused at one point but still continued to
faithfully make notes which showed a consistency and that is to be
~Most and really only SEG's that I caught: Newt Gingrich
~I felt there were some good exchanges between the various
Candidates themselves
~Rick Santorum graced us with several 'knowing' smiles
~RP addessed the Press at one Point
I Loved This Debate.
To Me It Confirmed What I Already Knew:
That after all the Debates are Doable With Just Four Candidates
in my Analysis of the Debates - by starting at the end
while I'm still fired up and the events are fresh in
my Mind.
I have to admit to missing perhaps 40 minutes - from
approximately 9:10 to 9:55 pm - but I Believe that I
have enough notes to sufficiently cover the Debates.
Rick Santorum closed out this Rousing session with:
The American Public needs to Decide Who Is The Best
Person To Take On President Obama - but then after
that I lost the Thread because - Rick - You Lost It.
Going from that Brilliant Statement to downhill real
fast by getting too Passionate and Anxious did you in.
And the Reason for that is folks is that RICK SANTORUM
My advice - and it's too late for Rick - is for Mitt
Keep your Dignity and avoid Cr*p like:
Shining City On The Hill
Mitt: In the beginning you did so well.
~Best remark that I heard all night was when asked
what the Candidates thought about Newt Gingrich's
Personal Issues you said:
Good one Mitt.
~Your hand gestures were good - Mitt. Controlled and
kept at just above the waist level.(Although when
RS pointed to the sky he made me look. :] And Rick
used his head too much when he talked it confused me)
~I voted your tie as the best Mitt - because it was
classy with its just less than medium blue and white
stripes - not distracting like Rick's whose red one
with small white dots reminded me of those optical
illusions tricks.)
~Everyone got a good shot in about their family at the
first except for Ron Paul who was smart and talked up
his qualifications and later drew applause for mentioning
that he was the only Veteran of the Four.
~Speaking of The Four - my very first thought was when the
Debates began - now we can get down to business with four
instead of six or eight. But when RP finally got chosen
to speak he was polite but a little exasperated and that
brought back memories of the 2008 circus debates.
~Loved the Huge American Flag and the Citadel Cadets
not to mention the nice big Star decor.
~When Newt Gingrich blasted CNN - and rightfully so -
for starting out with Gossipy Junk and making it look
like a travesty - still I thought Wow Newt -
way to go but I'm sure he was ready for that Contingency.
But really it did earn him a Standing O.
~Rick Santorum pretended to take notes throughout the Debates
but I'm betting that it was just his way of trying to stay
focused and not Look Dopey.
~And why is he still in the Race anyway?
~Good points were scored by Ron Paul about Specific
Unemployment Suggestions
~There was a lot of talk about How Mitt Romney
did as CEO of Bain Capital but never heard of it
before tonight so no comment.
~I most likely missed out on any discussion about
Afghanistan (the phone call : [ )
~other Issues discussed:
~more on Mitt: slurring words - didn't even notice that
tonight; poised throughout except at last when he got
too excited; focused what a hunk and I'm not kidding :]
Keep your cool People.
~at least in the part I heard there did not seem to be
as mnay direct hits on President Obama - just for the sake of it.
~Ron Paul's remark about we should 'limit foreign spending to
help peole on health care' did anyone get that?
~Our economy works on a grass-roots level? Is that opposed
to the SMD Economy that Bill Maher suggested once? jus'wonderin'
~Mitt said that the ObamaCare should be reversed in its entirity (sp)
~Rick Santorum got too overwhelming in his reponse about repealing
Health Care
~RS seemed to be confused at one point but still continued to
faithfully make notes which showed a consistency and that is to be
~Most and really only SEG's that I caught: Newt Gingrich
~I felt there were some good exchanges between the various
Candidates themselves
~Rick Santorum graced us with several 'knowing' smiles
~RP addessed the Press at one Point
I Loved This Debate.
To Me It Confirmed What I Already Knew:
That after all the Debates are Doable With Just Four Candidates
Republican National Debate Tonight
I saw on CNN a couple of hours ago that at
8 pm ET there is going to be a
Republican National Debate.
I am looking forward to watching it.
I will most likely write about it after.
gives me something to focus on
8 pm ET there is going to be a
Republican National Debate.
I am looking forward to watching it.
I will most likely write about it after.
gives me something to focus on
an observation
This is merely an observation - nothing more.
For the last six months or so - when someone that
I don't 'recognize' comments or my Blog - or even
if on someone's else's Blog there is a comment
from someone unfamiliar to me - I click on that
And here is what I am finding more and more and
that leads me to this Observation:
More and more People are getting into Blogging.
And these People do not always have a Blog.
And here is what I Believe to be Important:
These People are signing on to Blogging
So That They Can:
~Express their Opinion - mostly through commenting
~And they want to read What Bloggers Are Saying
Do You Know What Is Happening Here?
I Do.
Blogging Is Fast Becoming VERY IMPORTANT In Our Country -
As A Way For People To Express Themselves.
And I am excited to be a part of it.
For the last six months or so - when someone that
I don't 'recognize' comments or my Blog - or even
if on someone's else's Blog there is a comment
from someone unfamiliar to me - I click on that
And here is what I am finding more and more and
that leads me to this Observation:
More and more People are getting into Blogging.
And these People do not always have a Blog.
And here is what I Believe to be Important:
These People are signing on to Blogging
So That They Can:
~Express their Opinion - mostly through commenting
~And they want to read What Bloggers Are Saying
Do You Know What Is Happening Here?
I Do.
Blogging Is Fast Becoming VERY IMPORTANT In Our Country -
As A Way For People To Express Themselves.
And I am excited to be a part of it.
I have to say this:
If there is a complete break-off of my writing on
this Blog it will be for one reason only:
And that is that this laptop is not mine and
if it is taken away from me I can no longer
write on my Blog.
Now I'm not saying this is gonna happen - but
I just want it known that I will not ever stop
writing on my really cool Blog as long as there
is life in these Cold Dead Fingers.
Sound like I'm joking?
But folks I'm Deadly Serious.
Thanks for your attention in not reading this.
this Blog it will be for one reason only:
And that is that this laptop is not mine and
if it is taken away from me I can no longer
write on my Blog.
Now I'm not saying this is gonna happen - but
I just want it known that I will not ever stop
writing on my really cool Blog as long as there
is life in these Cold Dead Fingers.
Sound like I'm joking?
But folks I'm Deadly Serious.
Thanks for your attention in not reading this.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
thanks piers morgan
for your great and getting better all the time show.
And to Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter I would say with
nothing but Admiration and Respect:
Sharing Your Lives
With Someone
You Both
Love and Respect...
and that you are able to grow old together.
And to Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter I would say with
nothing but Admiration and Respect:
Sharing Your Lives
With Someone
You Both
Love and Respect...
and that you are able to grow old together.
The Oprah Magazine
I know this is hard to believe - but not only have I never
bought a The Oprah Magazine - but I don't think I've ever
looked through one. But yesterday when I saw the terrific
looking cover of the February issue I couldn't resist
buying it.
I mean does Oprah look great - or what? And I love her
hair like that and the Color Purple with red. But you'd
never catch me in spike heels - I'd break my ankle for
Here are some of the really great things I found in
the latest issue of The Oprah Magazine:
~A short piece on the vegetable-loving chef Bryant Terry.
~A life lesson from Georgia O'Keeffe.
~A beautiful picture of Drew Barrymore in a yellow dress.
~Assorted ads showing both Black and white People.
~An Orangatang in a pretty green striped winter scarf.
~A picture of the really cool Dr. Phil.
~An article telling about three books on Doodling.
~A hot picture of Donna Brazile in her garden in Washington D.C.
~A feature article with Oprah interviewing Steven Tyler.
~Good ways to make tacos.
Oprah - It looks like Retirement agrees with you.
you go girl
And did I mention that later I'm gonna watch one of
my favorite Musicals - Dreamgirls in which Jennifer Hudson
is Fantastic in the Opera Scene with Jamie Foxx but right
before that I can't wait because former President Jimmy
Carter is gonna be on Piers Morgan with a special appearance
by the Former First Lady Rosalynn. They are both so Smart.
bought a The Oprah Magazine - but I don't think I've ever
looked through one. But yesterday when I saw the terrific
looking cover of the February issue I couldn't resist
buying it.
I mean does Oprah look great - or what? And I love her
hair like that and the Color Purple with red. But you'd
never catch me in spike heels - I'd break my ankle for
Here are some of the really great things I found in
the latest issue of The Oprah Magazine:
~A short piece on the vegetable-loving chef Bryant Terry.
~A life lesson from Georgia O'Keeffe.
~A beautiful picture of Drew Barrymore in a yellow dress.
~Assorted ads showing both Black and white People.
~An Orangatang in a pretty green striped winter scarf.
~A picture of the really cool Dr. Phil.
~An article telling about three books on Doodling.
~A hot picture of Donna Brazile in her garden in Washington D.C.
~A feature article with Oprah interviewing Steven Tyler.
~Good ways to make tacos.
Oprah - It looks like Retirement agrees with you.
you go girl
And did I mention that later I'm gonna watch one of
my favorite Musicals - Dreamgirls in which Jennifer Hudson
is Fantastic in the Opera Scene with Jamie Foxx but right
before that I can't wait because former President Jimmy
Carter is gonna be on Piers Morgan with a special appearance
by the Former First Lady Rosalynn. They are both so Smart.
painting ON sale
Whereas my really cool painting was For sale earlier
for $1500 dollars - now it is ON sale.
You see - dear friends that haven't stepped up
to help me and caring is creepy - I no longer need
the $1500 since I fired my lawyer's *ss for not calling
me back today.
But not too worry since I'm gonna get another one Real
Now I was gonna give this amazing painting to President
Obama as a consolation prize after Mitt Romney whips his
Black *ss in November - but since that's not gonna happen
I'm offering this painting - tonight only - to the highest
and make no mistake about it folks - I'm voting for Barack
Obama even though I'm secretly in love with the really Hot
Mitt Romney.
for $1500 dollars - now it is ON sale.
You see - dear friends that haven't stepped up
to help me and caring is creepy - I no longer need
the $1500 since I fired my lawyer's *ss for not calling
me back today.
But not too worry since I'm gonna get another one Real
Now I was gonna give this amazing painting to President
Obama as a consolation prize after Mitt Romney whips his
Black *ss in November - but since that's not gonna happen
I'm offering this painting - tonight only - to the highest
and make no mistake about it folks - I'm voting for Barack
Obama even though I'm secretly in love with the really Hot
Mitt Romney.
Short Meeting of the NFBMFC
Just a headsup folks that we're coming up on
Friday night again and don't forget about
Bill's really great show:
This week's guests are:
Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm
Reporter Matt Lewis
Former L.A. Governor Buddy Roemer
Commentator Bill Moyers
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders
This promises to be a good one folks.
And don't forget about OVERTIME.
After last week's meeting there was a malfunction
on my computer - and I lost a lot of valuable stuff -
including some good things that I said about Herman
Cain. :[ I promise that it won't happen again.
The Birthday project that I'm making for Bill is nearly
completed - luckily I have all the materials and don't
have to rely on buying anything since my CC's have come
up mysteriously missing. But I do wonder how I'm going
to buy food as I only have a few days supply. Oh well,
I'll get along. :]
Thanks for your attention to these matters.
And thanks Shirley for the encouraging phone call
of support in my time of Need.
Friday night again and don't forget about
Bill's really great show:
This week's guests are:
Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm
Reporter Matt Lewis
Former L.A. Governor Buddy Roemer
Commentator Bill Moyers
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders
This promises to be a good one folks.
And don't forget about OVERTIME.
After last week's meeting there was a malfunction
on my computer - and I lost a lot of valuable stuff -
including some good things that I said about Herman
Cain. :[ I promise that it won't happen again.
The Birthday project that I'm making for Bill is nearly
completed - luckily I have all the materials and don't
have to rely on buying anything since my CC's have come
up mysteriously missing. But I do wonder how I'm going
to buy food as I only have a few days supply. Oh well,
I'll get along. :]
Thanks for your attention to these matters.
And thanks Shirley for the encouraging phone call
of support in my time of Need.
and what can we do about it folks?
How many people care if Wikipedia is blacked out?
I know I do.
Does anyone else care?
How many people care if Wikipedia is blacked out?
I know I do.
Does anyone else care?
caring is creepy
There was a time that I cared.
Then there was a time that I would say to myself
that I didn't care.
Of course I did care - that was just a defense
mechanism I used to build a protective bubble
around myself.
And you wanna know what?
It worked.
Then I went back to caring.
But after how events have unfolded for me in the last...
I don't know - few days - I'm back to not caring again.
And furthermore - I found the perfect song lyrics to
express my new 'I don't care-free attitude' about life:
caring is creepy
i think i'll go home and mull this over
before i cram it down my throat
at long last it's crashed, the colossal mass
has broken up into bits in my moat
lift the mattress off the floor
walk the cramps off
go meander in the cold
hail to your dark skin
hiding the fact that your dead again
underneath the power lines seeking shade
far above our heads are the icy heights that contain all reason
it's a lucious mix of words and tricks
that let us bet when we know we should fold
on rocks i dreamt of where we'd stepped
and the whole mess of roads we're now on
hold your glass up hold it in
never betray the way you've always known it is
one day i'll be wondering how
i got so old just wondering how
i never got cold wearing nothing in the snow
this is way beyond my remote concern
of being condescending
all those squawking birds won't quit
building nothing laying bricks
thanks The Shins
you really nailed it on this one
Then there was a time that I would say to myself
that I didn't care.
Of course I did care - that was just a defense
mechanism I used to build a protective bubble
around myself.
And you wanna know what?
It worked.
Then I went back to caring.
But after how events have unfolded for me in the last...
I don't know - few days - I'm back to not caring again.
And furthermore - I found the perfect song lyrics to
express my new 'I don't care-free attitude' about life:
caring is creepy
i think i'll go home and mull this over
before i cram it down my throat
at long last it's crashed, the colossal mass
has broken up into bits in my moat
lift the mattress off the floor
walk the cramps off
go meander in the cold
hail to your dark skin
hiding the fact that your dead again
underneath the power lines seeking shade
far above our heads are the icy heights that contain all reason
it's a lucious mix of words and tricks
that let us bet when we know we should fold
on rocks i dreamt of where we'd stepped
and the whole mess of roads we're now on
hold your glass up hold it in
never betray the way you've always known it is
one day i'll be wondering how
i got so old just wondering how
i never got cold wearing nothing in the snow
this is way beyond my remote concern
of being condescending
all those squawking birds won't quit
building nothing laying bricks
thanks The Shins
you really nailed it on this one
I take back what I said about my ****** (see my post about
a new day).
If ** doesn't call me in the next 60 minutes - I'm d***ing
Find a new one.
a new day).
If ** doesn't call me in the next 60 minutes - I'm d***ing
Find a new one.
the last samurai
Is there really a better movie than The Last Samurai?
I know that I tend to say that about a lot of Movies.
But it always comes back to this One.
It always comes back to:
~Standing up for Right
~Right over Life
and for those who do survive to go on - never
forgetting Those Who Died Giving them That Right
And then Love as the Final Reward for Doing What Is Right.
I know that I tend to say that about a lot of Movies.
But it always comes back to this One.
It always comes back to:
~Standing up for Right
~Right over Life
and for those who do survive to go on - never
forgetting Those Who Died Giving them That Right
And then Love as the Final Reward for Doing What Is Right.
I get it.
No one's gonna step up and help me out here.
but I'll tell ya one thing folks
you won't find me hangin' around outside of
Bungalow 26.
but I'll tell ya one thing folks
you won't find me hangin' around outside of
Bungalow 26.
no offers yet?
I can wait around for one of you People to buy
my painting...
or I can **** Col. Saunders for the same amount.
I can wait around for one of you People to buy
my painting...
or I can **** Col. Saunders for the same amount.
Painting For Sale
I have a painting(which I painted) that I believe
could be worth some big bucks. :]
Check it out on my Art Blog.
Click on My Art and scroll down to the
one that has a sort of mahogany antiqued
frame - it is gold with a reallly cool
oasis in the center.
I measured it just now and it is approximately
18' x 22".
As I said - although this is not my 'best' painting -
I have thought that it could be worth some money - a
precious commodity for me at the moment.
I would very much like to sell it as soon as possible.
If there is an interested party - please make a comment
here and we can negotiate from there.
could be worth some big bucks. :]
Check it out on my Art Blog.
Click on My Art and scroll down to the
one that has a sort of mahogany antiqued
frame - it is gold with a reallly cool
oasis in the center.
I measured it just now and it is approximately
18' x 22".
As I said - although this is not my 'best' painting -
I have thought that it could be worth some money - a
precious commodity for me at the moment.
I would very much like to sell it as soon as possible.
If there is an interested party - please make a comment
here and we can negotiate from there.
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