Sunday, October 9, 2011

my faith journey - #3

I like Justin Moore's cd - Outlaws Like Me.  In it he sings 'If Heaven wasn't so far away...'

Well, I can tell you that for me Heaven gets closer all the time.


Now that I'm on the other side of sixty, and with every loved one I lose - whether it be
friend or family, or even someone I've never met but have admired and respected from
afar and that person has impacted my life in some way - in my mind I think of them in

Believing there is a Heaven makes life more bearable - like they are waiting for me to
arrive - and I like to think that Heaven will start when we all get there.


For as many people as there are that believe in Heaven there are probably just as many
different opinions of what Heaven is like.

And that's ok.

I know what I want Heaven to be like and that's what counts.


Because I believe in doubting as a healthy thing, I allow my self to doubt - at one time
or another - everyone and everything.  And Heaven is no exception.

But doubting for me means either giving up on someone or something - or coming back
to that person or thing with a stronger feeling.


And I always come back to Heaven - as where I want to end up.

On my own terms, of course.  :-)


So I say to God:

Thank you, God, for giving us the hope of Heaven.

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