Saturday, October 15, 2011

i also like william howard taft

William Howard Taft never ever wanted to be President of the United States.

But Mrs. Taft made him do it.

Even when he was president he didn't like it.  For one thing he really wanted
to be on the Supreme Court.


Now President Taft was a man of size.  But he had a heart to match.  It is said
that he always put others at ease - knowing that they may have been feeling a
little awkward about his girth.  And that's not all, President Taft was a very
good tennis player - and a graceful dancer.

He served his time and then they let him go.


Fortunately, this story has a happy ending, for William Howard Taft became the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America.


He said:  'Politics when I am in it makes me sick.'

I agree with you Chief Justice Taft.

But someone's gotta do it.

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