Wednesday, September 28, 2011

and my favorite poem of all time

Today Is Very Boring

Today is very boring,
it's a very boring day,
there is nothing much to look at,
there is nothing much to say,
there's a peacock on my sneakers,
there's a penguin on my head,
there's a dormouse on my doorstep,
I am going back to bed.

Today is very boring,
it is boring through and through,
there is absolutely nothing
that I think I want to do,
I see giants riding rhinos,
and an ogre with a sword,
there's a dragon blowing smoke rings,
I am positively bored.

Today is very boring,
I can hardly help but yawn,
there's a flying saucer landing
in the middle of my lawn,
a volcano just erupted less than half a mile away,
and I think I felt an earthquake,
it's a very boring day.

                        ~Jack Prelutsky             


sue hanes said...

ticker - I get bored easily. Right now we are waiting to see if a lady is going to buy our house.
If she does then the boredom will stop!

Joe Conservative said...

I'd hate to end up as did Tennyson's Lady of Shalott... or Shakespeare's Ophelia.

Jes' sayin'...

sue hanes said...

JC - I take comments very seriously.

What does your comment on my post about about being bored have to do with two fictional women drowning.

Is this a prophetic comment or just a joke - that I don't get.

Speedy G said...

Actually, both deal more a theme of "passivity"... and boredom often accompanies passivity (or results from it).

In olden times, males were typically associated with "activity" and females with "passivity". Now many moderns believe that happiness consists of "avoiding pain" and "activity" (which is something they associate with paid labour). That is NOT something I believe in. Nor do I believe that females should be "passive"... as I think many of Shakespeare's characters (Portia from Merchant of Venice for one) represent a more "ancient" tradition.

Now, modern morality stemming from Christianity extols the "virtue" of passivity, as we are loathe to impose ourselves upon others...

Us ancients prefer our women "charming". Charming is an "active" virtue in wisdom meant to overcome "temperance"... the "feminine virtue" (opposite and equivalent to male "courage")of yore.

The Absolute Marxist said...

Well thank you... I'd like to think I'm not shabby for an engineering major. ;)

sue hanes said...

Legion - 'The boredom that is associated with passivity - or lack of activity'

Ever heard of the expression about someone living 'in the box'

That's me.

I have next to no contact with the world in which I would really like to live. So I stay content to live in a fantasy world, thus
- in the box.

I'm hoping someone will come along and open that box.

And before it's too late.

Speedy G said...

I'm hoping someone will come along and open that box.

And that is what I'm speaking out against... waiting for someone ELSE to open the box. If you want out of the box, YOU'VE GOT TO OPEN THE DOOR YOURSELF.

Power (or love) is not something people generally go around bestowing upon others. They are things that must be seized and/or conferred upon others by YOU.

Speedy G said...

Here's what I'm talking about.

Don't end up like Mrs. Shrek having to "settle" for a knight errant or "prince charmless".

Speedy G said...

Ophelia and/or the Lady of Shalott are not suitable models for women to emulate.

My daughter is a 2L at Georgetown Law. THAT is a model to emulate.