Friday, September 23, 2011


cube and beamish - thanks so much for responding so quickly to my new blog.

I am hoping that it will be the start of something positive, and that you will both
particiate in discussions.

( I plead computer ignorance and cannot access my own comments so until
I find out how to correct that I am using posts to answer comments.)


Mark - Thank you for checking out my new blog.

My belief is that gays are just that at birth; however, I'm sure that there are those who
embrace that lifestyle for 'kicks' or whatever you want to call it.


Z - Your comment did make it and thanks for making it.  I appreciate you checking out my new disfuctional blog.  :=)


Z - Thanks for the kind words of support - if  I ever needed them it's now!  : + ?


Speedy G - And vote in some new bums.  :=(     Thanks for your comment. 

I've been studying Spanish on my own (with the help of Rosetta Stone) for four years .

Now I'm going to add your blog as a study guide.  So thanks for that, too.


Rational - Thanks.  I hope you will return.


Amen to that, Brother Speedy

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