Thursday, September 29, 2011

a few observations about blogging

~Blogging can be fun.  Whether or not it turns out to be fun is up the the individual blogger.

~There are as many different kinds of blogs as there are bloggers. 

~Blogging started in 1989 in the form of online diaries, and took off from there, expanding to just about anything an individual wants to write.

~Some bloggers write consistantly providing daily posts, while others  go for several years without writing anything.

~There are blogs that never get past the title.

~Most people stockpile their posts for all eternity....

~A few - maybe only this blogger - delete their posts for no known reason.

~Blogging is like life itself - the new day brings the hope of starting over with fresh ideas and forgotten yesterdays.


Speedy G said...

I'm a post-burner myself. I don't post for posterity... only the "present". ;)

Speedy G said...

...and as you can tell, Sue, I don't post as the same person all the time. I am -FJ, Speedy, Joe Conservative, Absolute Marxist, Stanley, Yul_B, Titan Uranus, and a host of other pseudonyms. As the Bible parable states, "I am Legion"... not that I'm "possessed" by demons... more like "muses". I like to try on multiple personalities. I find it "liberating". Others find it extremely annoying.

sue hanes said...

No, Speedy G - (may I call you Legion).

I didn't suspect.

I don't find it annoying, just facinating and confusing.

The Absolute Marxist said...

Call me anything you like, just don't call me late for supper. ;)

sue hanes said...

Joe - you aren't Joe. too, are you?