Wednesday, September 28, 2011

i wrote this one about seven years ago or more

my way

id like to live in paris
have a flat along the seine
but ive already been there
and i shant go back again

id like to meet my favorite movie star
his name is johnny depp
but ill settle for watching neverland
ive seen it and ive wept

id like to have an orchestra
accompany me on rach 3
but its too hard so ill stay home
and listen to my cd

id like to be the president
of the us of a
but that aint gonna happen
boo hoo i never get my way


Joe Conservative said...


Although I'm not an ee cummings "style" fan.

sue hanes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sue hanes said...

JC - That comment had to be deleted and rewritten.

I hate to be associated with the word cute in any way, but I welcome your comments so I'll take it. :-)

I am not into ee cummings but I must have picked up the lower case style from him because I do like to use it.

I'm not really sure why.

Speedy G said...

I think it's a symptom of modernism... all letters being "equal" and all. Fanfare for the "common man" being the main theme of the 20th century. That an the need for "authenticity."

Sorry, as you can tell, I'm not a big fan of the sentiment. I prefer more "Doric" themes....

Speedy G said...

...and so now you begin to glimpse what my "philosophy of life" entails.