Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Suzan - It blows my mind to see a comment from a blogger who says they have been reading
my comments on another blog, yet I have never seen theirs.

This confirms to me what I have often suspected -  that there are commenters out there who do actually pay attention to others comments but don't feel the need to say anything in response.  I find this exciting and at the same time disconcerting - since it means that my 'ignored' comments are
not necessarily just that. (I hate being ignored.)  And it means that there are people out there
that are actually thinking.

To Cuss Or Not To Cuss - I like to cuss but find that in my personal life it is best to be
discriminating.  I intend to do both here - enough to keep the cussers coming back for more
yet not enough to keep the noncussers away.

Thanks, Suzan, for taking time to comment, and I assure you tomorrow's post will inclue at least one
for the cussers.  : - )



sue hanes said...


Anonymous said...


Jason said...

testing 2

sue said...


Ticker said...

I was at the point of letting a blue streak fly when I couldn't comment on your blog.