Saturday, September 24, 2011

pictures of dick cheney's grandchildren

As I enter Krogers there is usually a small table on the right with a few discounted

And that's when I spotted it:  Dick Cheney's new book - at 40% off.

It was the last one so I knew I was 'meant' to buy it.


I couldn't wait to get home and show it to my Conservative - and getting worse all
the time - husband,  holding it up and saying defiantly:

'We were out of toilet paper so I got this.'


That night I picked it up - anxious to discover what I already knew, that Dick Cheney
is a mean, Darth Vader, waterboarding son-of-a-bitch.

But since I always turn to the picture section first, my eyes fell on the pictures of him
with his grandchildren.


Now we grandparents have a special bond and it's not about our grandchildren as such,
but of the PICTURES of our grandchildren.

And Dick Cheney's pictures of his grandchildren are to die for.


Right then I knew that I would never read the book, because I had seen the pictures of
him with his grandchildren.

Sure, I still think Dick Cheney is a mean, Darth Vader, waterboarding son-of-a-bitch.
That will never change.


But I've seen the pictures of him with his grandchildren -

and I can't break that special grandparents' bond.


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