Saturday, September 24, 2011

pay 'back'

Why didn't someone tell me that Patience is a Virtue before it was too late?

Wait a minute - someone did.


My husband always stands by the computer while I am beating up the enter key when it doesn't
operate fast enough for me.

He says, 'Sue, be patient.   You are not a patient person.'

If I ask him to help me move furniture or heavy bins, and he says fine, later, or tomorrow, I wait for a few minutes and then do it myself.

Now my back is saying, 'Sue, Enough.'

Because I'm not patient enough to wait for someone to help me, I fear I have to live with the resulting
strained relations that my back and I are now experiencing.

Sure, my back tried to warn me, but I didn't heed the signs.

Now, there's no turning back.

The other day my husband pointed out someone we both know and said, 'Look, Rich is walking
funny, there must be something wrong with his back.'

Unless my back decides to forgive me and move on, I'm gonna be walking funny for the rest
of my life and wishing I had been a more patient person.


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