Monday, September 26, 2011

our dog lady and the crazed golfer

This true story is for anyone who has loved a dog.

But I have written it especially for fellow blogger Truth 101 and his beloved blogger dog - Dudley the fat-ass Liberal Beagle - who both have put a smile on my face when I most needed that to happen.


My story begins, Truth and Dudley, when we got Lady at the animal shelter - she was a mutt and a runt - the best kind, they say.

This very special dog walked among us for sixteen years, and when she moved on she took with her a
sizeable piece of my heart.


We are located on a golf course, but rarely do the balls find their way into our backyard.

The day on which this story takes place -  however -  a stray golf ball did land in our yard and
Lady got it.

The golfer, my husband and I all tried to catch her but to no avail.

So finally the enraged golfer grabbed his twelve iron and went after Lady with a vengence.

Not being one to mince words when provoked, I said to the golfer, 'You hit my dog with that golf club
and I'll kill you.'

But, Truth and dear Dudley, he didn't and neither did I.

All's well that ends well, because the golfer finally got his ball back.


But the story doesn't end there, Dear Friends, for several years later as I was gazing out the
window - admiring the view on a fine summer's day - I spotted a golfer peeing on the tree just
beyond our property line.

You ask how I know he was peeing on the tree?  Although his back was turned to our house, I knew he wasn't just standing there examining the bark.

Furious that my rights to live a decent and pure life on the edge of the golf course had been invaded - and surely you both agree, dear Truth and Dudley - I called the pro shop and reported the offensive golfer - who had the audacity to pee on that
tree in broad daylight - not caring about my sixty-four year old sensitivity.  The woman in charge assured me that she would put a sign up to warn golfers in the future about their untoward peeing habits (surely all the time she was laughing her ass off.)


The bottom line is - Truth and Dudley - that I've always wondered if that crazed golfer (and really aren't they all) had returned to get his revenge.

I'll really never know for sure, will I?


Yes, Lady's gone now, but she lives on in fond memories such as these.

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