Wednesday, April 4, 2012


If ya think that 5 days in the Stress Unit was a
challenge - for moi - listen to this - one - Folks -

I'm being hauled before da judge - tomorrow -
that's Thursday - April 5th - at 2 pm ET - to try
and prove that I'm competent to take care of myself -
after the divorce. Well - isn't that fine - stidh -
not competent to take care of herself.

Now I can use a few prayers - and however ya people
who are not Christian/Judeo - do pray - even you
mean athiests - I could use some sky God support.

in a big way

Thanks - and carry on. Blogging is very Important.



The Absolute Marxist said...

I didn't believe that traditional idiot housewives were ever deemed competent to take care of themselves, only, they're too used to managing large groups of real idiots.

sue hanes said...

By large groups of Real Idiots - do ya mean kids?

Or is it Weight Watches or PTA meetings ya r referring to?

And BTW - Abso - I have come to terms about being a TIH - and I can say without a doubt that the best part of me is a housewife. I
ABSO-lutely love it.