Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hungry Games :] - the second time around

Tonight I went to see Hunger Games - for the second time.

Earlier - I wrote a post about it (see my post about it.)

I came down pretty hard on Hunger Games -

Because I Didn't Get It - Since I Hadn't Read The Book.

I'm gonna read the first book - I already bought it in

The reason I'm pursuing this is that both my daughters -
my 12 year old granddaughter -and my sister-in-law/friend
are all reading it - and I trust their opinion when they
say it is very good.

And late this afternoon - I only had to stay for about
45 minutes of Hunger Games. Since I had seen the whole
thing - after the first part - I THOUGHT - NOW I GET IT.

I understand it now.

And ya wanna know what? It makes sense - to me.

Correct me if I'm wrong - but the whole idea seemed to me
that in order to give up the bent for killing that we
humans have - in order to never have war - again - was
that there would be this sacrifice - of a young man and
a young woman. Or rather that the young man and the young
woman would fight to the death - and the one remaining
young person would be the hero.

Now I'm not suggesting that we do that. I believe there is
a better way - for us to stop the wars - and killing each
other off.

But this post is about Hunger Games - and I think that it is

So here is what I say to:

Suzanne Collins - I'm looking forward to reading your Really cool book.

Gary Ross - Thanks for such a great movie.

Woody Harrelson - You did a great job in HG - and you are a great actor.

The rest of the cast - Great job also.

And that's all I have to say about that - although I reserve the
right to write more after I read the book. Alright?


The Absolute Marxist said...

Are you familar at all with the myth of Theseus... of Athen's annual tribute to King Minos of Crete?

A hero was born...

sue hanes said...

Nope - I'm not familiar with the myth of Theseus - Abso.

When I dropped out of school - here at the Liberal University - I was taking a mythology course - and it was at 1 pm. We sat around a table - and I would fall asleep -and when I opened my eyes - everyone was sitting there staring at me.

That's a True Story - Abso.

sue hanes said...

I'm signing off now until after my court appearance.

I can hardly wait.
