Thursday, July 26, 2012

Our 13th President

I missed writing about Millard Fillmore on Friday the 13th - but here are some trivial facts about him. ~He was born in a log cabin. ~In nine years there were six Presidents - of which Millard Fillmore was the sixth. Before that there were only eight Presidents in a 52 year period. ~His first wife - Abigail - educated him enough so that he could finance attending law school by teaching school. ~He didn't meet Zachary Taylor - his running mate for whom he was the vice presidential candidiate - until after they were elected. ~He and Abigail started the White House library. ~He installed the first bathtub and kitchen stove in the White House. ~As the ex-President he tried to spread culture by reading Shakespeare to the workers in a shoe factory.


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The openning scene with the cobbler from Julius Caesar, I expect.;)

Z said...

that's interesting info, Sue..thanks! Lots I didn't know, that's for sure.
I hope you're doing okay. xx

sue hanes said...

-FJ - I'm sure. Thanks for the imput. : ]

sue hanes said...

Hey Z - Thanks for checking in. I'm hanging in there.

I appreciate your asking. :]