Friday, June 29, 2012

Things you might not know about Thomas Jefferson

I have an old book called 40 Presidents Facts and Fun that tells little known facts and stories about the Presidents. The book shows not only how intelligent Thomas Jefferson was - something we all know - but this particular story tells about how resourceful he was too. The authors - Joan Bumann and John Patterson - who compiled this book - starts out the coverage of Jefferson by saying that he was told by his father to take a gun and go into the woods and learn to hunt. The ten year old former President came upon a wild turkey trapped in a pen - which he promptly shot and threw over his shoulder to present to his father. It may or may not be commom knowledge that Thomas Jefferson had a pet mockingbird that he called Bill - and while it was his companion in Jefferson's study - he taught it to peck food out of our third President's mouth. But what I like best - was a fact not found in this book - and that is that Thomas Jefferson established the tradition of shaking hands with people - rather than the habit they were in of bowing to Washington and Adams. And my hat is off to Thomas Jefferson - who according to my little book - is considered a People's President. We could use him about now - don't you think?


The Absolute Marxist said...

Given the current crop in the White House, we'll be back to bowing before ya know it.

sue hanes said...

Ha ha, good one AM.